Friday, April 3, 2020

Back at it!

Hello my lovely fellow human beans!  Quite awhile ago, I decided to "blog without obligation."  I didn't want to put stuff out there that didn't have a purpose.  Didn't want to post "what I had for dinner" or "stuff I am randomly thinking about."  But I have been hiding too.  I have been really ill- with so many bouts of shingles I've lost count.  Mike has had two major surgeries.  Others in our world have been lost to us.  All life, all pretty rough.  But now life has slowed way down for so many of us.  Mike is home a little bit more and we have made strides on getting my studio unpacked!  A sink and toilet have been installed!  I have donated at least 10 bags worth of clothes and household goods that were lost among studio boxes.  I am down from 300 boxes to approximately 240.  Slow, but progress.  I have been teaching private lessons, and really love that.  Tomorrow I am taking the day off from doing taxes to paint out on the deck.  I want to put out plants, but don't want to go to the shops to get them.  I have seeds from other years and am going to try those tomorrow as well.

Last year, I scavenged old worn out pots from my Mom and Dad.  They had planted stevia and the groundhogs actually came up on the deck and scratched the pots to get to the plants.  See the scratches from their toenails? (The groundhogs, -not Mom and Dads!)

 A couple quick coats of paint, and it was looking fresher already!  

I used a wonderful DecoArt Stencil, DecoArt Traditions paint, and a make-up sponge to apply 
some zing!  Lastly, I added two coats of clear sealer.

(The tent in my garage is my wonderful pop up spray booth-easily one of my favorite tools ever!)

The tomatoes and peppers loved their happy new homes!

Thanks to two coats of clear sealer, they still look this good this year!
I'll be back soon- hope all of you are taking a little of this scary time to still enjoy getting some things accomplished, and most importantly catching up with friends and family!


Jeanie said...

I'm sorry it's been such a bad year, Kari. I'm glad it's settling a bit. How odd -- all this weirdness, yet things settle. I love the pots.

Walter Parsons said...

It is inspiring that despite the challenges life has thrown your way, you continue to find joy in creative pursuits.