I've been very busy lately with work, travel, and family obligations. The Lord has chosen to richly pour out blessings on Mike and I in the last couple weeks, and some exciting things are in the works for my art personally and professionally. I hope to be able to post about them here in the near future. I've been working every free moment on Fatbook swaps and some of my journal pages.
Here are the most recent installments to my digital Faith Journal. The top photo of me was originally taken by a very talented photographer friend Ronnie Bianco. (And if you only KNEW how UN-photogenic I am you would know the wonderful magic he worked to get this shot!) His blog link is http://roneyesblog.com/ or in my list of blogs it's listed as "Ronnie's photography."
The world photo and M100 Galaxy shot I collaged together were both released into public domain by NASA. If you've never been to any of their sites, you are missing a fantastic array of information and photos. I visit every once in awhile to check on what some of the telescopes are up to. Fascinating.
Beautiful photo!! And great Faith Journal pages!! So glad to see you updating your blog! Best wishes on all that is happening in your life right now!
What a wonderful photo. He capture your beauty with this shot. You are stunning.
My father worked for NASA before he passed away. Thanks for the info.
It's so cool to see your Faith Journal as it progresses; thank you for sharing. And, I'm definitely going to look for the NASA photos.
I look forward to seeing every page of this journal. Each page is insightful and beautiful! Speaking of beautiful, you are beautiful and that photographer captured it.
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