Happy New Year my friends!
This year has been wonderful and trying, as all life is. I had wonderful adventures with my art friends all over, and a smashing good time with Jen Crossley as she visited early this year and again later this fall. My Video "Backgrounds to Bindings" with Cloth Paper Scissors was released, as well as several pieces of my art in various magazines. Getting to spend time with friends Dusty DeHaven, Kristen Robinson, Ruth Rae, Jen Cushman and Elena Etcheverry, Pam Carriker, MaryBeth Shaw, JoAnne Sharpe, Stephanie Rubiano and others truly was a blessing! Spending time with cousins Wendy Richards and Laura Miller has also been a treat!
Teaching in France and vending at the Columbus Ohio and Atlanta Georgia Country Living Fairs have blew me away- made all the more special by spending extra time with friends Shelly Grim, Christy Grant, Shari Replogle and Paula Marquis.
The serious health issues plaguing me the end of this year has made me anxious for the new year to begin all fresh and new! Some great things to look forward to- another visit from my bestie from down under-Jen Crossley--guaranteed good times! New venues to teach for! Working on my own book! Several Art Faires to vend and enjoy. And organization! I am looking forward to organization.
2013 had me traversing the nation, and indeed the continents teaching. I was home less than 3 months, and therefore my house and studio has taken an incredible hit organizationally! I have made a plan to conquer this in 2014. I am planning to use this blog as an accountability record both artistically and organizationally.
I have chosen a guide word to help me through 2014. That word is:
Reduce ~ Reduce ~ Reduce
I'm thinking about so many areas of life! Reducing my art stash. As an instructor, I tend to collect in multiples for students. This year I will be purging my stash (hint hint- might be a good year to take classes with me!) Reducing my art stash will reduce clutter in my home and studio.
Reducing what I spend on art supplies. This one will be tough. It is not unusual for me to spend over 300$ a month on art supplies. This year I am challenging myself to spend no more than 30$ a month (except for workshop supplies.) I feel it will help challenge me to use what I have in different ways. It will force me to become more creative. (Plus it will help reduce the stash!) As a bonus, I am going to try and spend 0$ on art supplies for the first 3 months of the year.
Reducing my to-do list. Whether that means re-evaluating or actually finishing some of these things, it will happen.
Reducing the more than 400 emails a day that get backed up in my email folder. Unsubscribe will be my friend. Mass newsletters that answer the same questions, and other means of consolidating to help me not dread turning on the computer.
Reducing the time spent away from home- which will probably also help reducing my to-do list!
If all this can come together, I am hoping my health issues will reduce!
Anyway, I will be holding myself accountable and posting successes and failures alike here if you want to journey along with me in 2014.
(This is the ugly effect of being away from home more than 9 months of the year! Studio stash out of control!- but I have a plan!)
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, November 4, 2013
Smitten Dust here I come!
So excited to be joining the gang at Smitten Dust again! Its been a few months and many many miles since I was there last, and I can't wait to see Dusty DeHaven and her wonderful helper elves once more:) So today and tomorrow consist of me finishing up the packing and kits, so that I can load the car on Wednesday and be ready for my trip north bright and early on Thursday.
I would love to see you stop by and visit me, but more importantly, I would love for EVERYONE to experience the magic of Smitten Dust! If you love creativity at all, this wonderful, magical place should be at the top of your bucket list!
Not only is the studio itself absolutely darling, but the town of Dimondale is wonderful too. Simply charming, with its picturesque river running right through the middle of town, it's lovely to stroll. Then for Smitten Dust to be situated RIGHT NEXT DOOR to the local ice cream joint? HEAVEN. Not to mention the family run restaurant that makes all it's own breads fresh each day just down the street...
Let's just talk about our charming hostess for a moment. Dusty DeHaven. Artist extraordinare in her own right. But fun loving, generous, witty and clever. She puts the mostest into hostess. Always unique and comfortable, you walk away knowing you've just met someone magical...and the fact that she looks like a rockin' vintage heroine proves it. Dusty has a wonderful (beyond wonderful) set of friends and helpers that help keep the studio running like a well oiled machine. Each one more lovely than the next, they all just fit so perfectly. The fact that I've been on the road so incredibly much this year, and yet CAN'T WAIT to visit a second time this year should speak volumes for how much fun this place is!
So on with the deets:
November 8 - 10, 2013
SmittenDust Studio (257 S. Bridge St., Dimondale, MI).
To register Dusty's email
For more info Smitten Dust blog
They offer exciting, national-caliber, quality art event, yet keep the costs down to local level pricing. No kit fees!
Eyes are windows to the soul, and the key to an interesting painting. We will look into what give faces spark and life.
Kari’s step by step demos and visual aids make it all so simple and enjoyable. Once you’ve created the masters, you can copy and resize and seamlessly incorporate into your future projects in a blink of an eye!
Monoprints without a press!! This is a stress free, joyful class, that will inspire your work for years to come. True to Kari’s nature, she will share new ways to use your stamps and stencils.
These canvases are sure to become a favorite. Kari’s tips and tricks make it easy for anyone to create these charismatic creatures - even if they’ve never played with clay before.
The glazing techniques give the canvases a richness and depth, accentuating the wonderful patterning and personalities.
I would love to see you stop by and visit me, but more importantly, I would love for EVERYONE to experience the magic of Smitten Dust! If you love creativity at all, this wonderful, magical place should be at the top of your bucket list!
Not only is the studio itself absolutely darling, but the town of Dimondale is wonderful too. Simply charming, with its picturesque river running right through the middle of town, it's lovely to stroll. Then for Smitten Dust to be situated RIGHT NEXT DOOR to the local ice cream joint? HEAVEN. Not to mention the family run restaurant that makes all it's own breads fresh each day just down the street...
Let's just talk about our charming hostess for a moment. Dusty DeHaven. Artist extraordinare in her own right. But fun loving, generous, witty and clever. She puts the mostest into hostess. Always unique and comfortable, you walk away knowing you've just met someone magical...and the fact that she looks like a rockin' vintage heroine proves it. Dusty has a wonderful (beyond wonderful) set of friends and helpers that help keep the studio running like a well oiled machine. Each one more lovely than the next, they all just fit so perfectly. The fact that I've been on the road so incredibly much this year, and yet CAN'T WAIT to visit a second time this year should speak volumes for how much fun this place is!
So on with the deets:
November 8 - 10, 2013
SmittenDust Studio (257 S. Bridge St., Dimondale, MI).
To register Dusty's email
For more info Smitten Dust blog
They offer exciting, national-caliber, quality art event, yet keep the costs down to local level pricing. No kit fees!
From Frumpy to Fantasy
Friday, November 8 from 10 - 4:30, $80
Eyes are windows to the soul, and the key to an interesting painting. We will look into what give faces spark and life.
No previous drawing or painting skills are required to create a painting full of magnetism and energy. With a bit of magic we’ll create beautiful painterly, charismatic faces.
3D embellishments adorn our beauties, giving them a sensual allure that captivates and charms our viewers.
This is a brand new workshop- first time offered anywhere!
Supplies you will need to bring:
Apron, water container, a few paint brushes, A canvas OR canvas board (At least 8 x 8), gel medium, scissors, Exacto knife and cutting mat. A few colors of fluid acrylic paint, A small selection of embellishments. Baby wipes. A large selection of different faces will be provided, but you may bring your own if you wish- (Toner and at least 2 copies of the image at least 6 inches tall.)
Power Word Deck
Friday, November 8 from 6 - 9, $45
Feel your handwriting keeps you from art journaling? Don’t like the look of your handwriting? No more worries! No drawing or calligraphy skills required!
This stress free class is the perfect for a Friday night intro to creating your own unique and beautiful writing style to incorporate into your art pieces! You will learn how to make your own tools to ease this process. Kari’s step by step demos and visual aids make it all so simple and enjoyable. Once you’ve created the masters, you can copy and resize and seamlessly incorporate into your future projects in a blink of an eye!
The bonus to this workshop are the sexy tips and tricks that enable you to use your writing on canvases and journals without risking beautiful backgrounds you’ve already made!
Supplies you will need to bring: scissors, pencil, kneaded eraser, Twin Tip Sharpie
Gelli Printing Joy
Saturday, November 9 from 10 - 4:30, $85
Gelatin printing is quickly becoming one of the keystone building blocks of the entire mixed media movement- jump in now and join the fun! Kari will walk you through all the steps, unlock all the secrets about how to make your own printing plates, how to use them, and what to do with the wonderful stash of papers it creates! Monoprints without a press!! This is a stress free, joyful class, that will inspire your work for years to come. True to Kari’s nature, she will share new ways to use your stamps and stencils.
Kari will be bringing her own line of polymer stamps for all to use and enjoy in this workshop.**A special bonus of this class is we will also explore printing Christmas and holiday cards, tags and wrapping papers**
Supplies you will need to bring:
Apron, baby wipes, a brayer to use in paint, a few colors of acrylic paint, small bottle matte medium (liquidy), scissors
IF YOU HAVE a Gelli plate, please bring it.
IF YOU HAVE a Gelli plate, please bring it.
IF YOU DO NOT have a Gelli Plate, PLEASE let us know at the time of registration. We'll have a gelatin printing plate made for you to use during class.
IF YOU WANT TO BUY a Gelli Plate, you may use the coupon code KARI13 for 15% off at USARTQUESThttp://www.usartquest.com
(And USArtQuest is a Michigan-based company, I might add!)
(And USArtQuest is a Michigan-based company, I might add!)
IF YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT A GELLI PLATE IS please email Dusty (your secret is safe with me) atDeHavenDesign@gmail.com
Relic Rings and Things
Saturday, November 9 from 6-9, $37
Unearth the rustic beauty of polymer clay!
We will explore mold-making, using found objects, vintage jewelry and recently discovered treasures to enhance our rings/pins/button covers and barrettes.
No previous sculpting or jewelry making skills needed.
Angels Among Us
Sunday, November 10 from 10 - 4, $80
Celebrate the holidays with your own happy little angel!

These canvases are sure to become a favorite. Kari’s tips and tricks make it easy for anyone to create these charismatic creatures - even if they’ve never played with clay before.
The glazing techniques give the canvases a richness and depth, accentuating the wonderful patterning and personalities.
Supplies you will need to bring:
All supplies provided, other than an apron and a smile!
I hope to see you there:)
Friday, September 27, 2013
Giveaway Winner
Congratulations Jane Prater from Charlotte North Carolina! You won my Sketchbook Challenge Blog Hop Giveaway!
Send me your deets:)
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Sketchbook Challenge Blog Hop
I've been away from home so much this year, that I'm really really missing my studio time. Over on the Sketchbook Challenge Blog, I talked about some of the things about my studio that make me feel cozy and comfortable and allow me to create more freely. If you want a closer peek, pop on over.
I've been making art in hotel rooms most of this year. It's been fine, and I've really enjoyed my busy schedule teaching. But I really really miss my inspiration boards and all my color coordinated stash from home!
I separate everything by color. Paper, Threads, Markers, Pencils, Paints. It helps me work faster. I can just hold a piece up to my ribbon caddy and see what looks good with it, rather than pulling piece after piece and trying it. Paper too. I just pull the entire drawer out and put it on the table if I know I need blue. I can sort thru the blues easily to find just the right shade.
But my inspiration boards are a tumbling rumbling active force in the studio. No matter what direction I look, I am rewarded by glimpses of friends work, articles or postcards I love. Mike and I've made my boards ourselves. Most of them I found antique frames, and painted them to match the color of the walls. Mike attached chicken wire, or metal to the back to make clip boards and magnetic boards. I dug out my most treasured antique buttons and hot glued them to magnets, and now I can look at them daily! I painted clothespins to match the frame color, and they work great with the chicken wire. Mike also made me floor to ceiling bookshelves, and we wrapped rigid house insulation in muslin. Attached to either side of the bookcase, I now have 2 floor to ceiling pin boards.
Finally, we found vintage spice racks, and painted them the color of the walls, and filled them with my beads!
I've been making art in hotel rooms most of this year. It's been fine, and I've really enjoyed my busy schedule teaching. But I really really miss my inspiration boards and all my color coordinated stash from home!
I separate everything by color. Paper, Threads, Markers, Pencils, Paints. It helps me work faster. I can just hold a piece up to my ribbon caddy and see what looks good with it, rather than pulling piece after piece and trying it. Paper too. I just pull the entire drawer out and put it on the table if I know I need blue. I can sort thru the blues easily to find just the right shade.
But my inspiration boards are a tumbling rumbling active force in the studio. No matter what direction I look, I am rewarded by glimpses of friends work, articles or postcards I love. Mike and I've made my boards ourselves. Most of them I found antique frames, and painted them to match the color of the walls. Mike attached chicken wire, or metal to the back to make clip boards and magnetic boards. I dug out my most treasured antique buttons and hot glued them to magnets, and now I can look at them daily! I painted clothespins to match the frame color, and they work great with the chicken wire. Mike also made me floor to ceiling bookshelves, and we wrapped rigid house insulation in muslin. Attached to either side of the bookcase, I now have 2 floor to ceiling pin boards.
Finally, we found vintage spice racks, and painted them the color of the walls, and filled them with my beads!
So IF you've hung on this long, here's the scoop-
Leave a comment in the comment section of this blog post with your favorite home organization tip for a chance to win a DVD copy of my "Backgrounds to Bindings" Cloth Paper Scissors Video Workshop.
On the 26th, I'll randomly draw the name of the winner and announce it. Make sure I have your email contact information!
Here's a quick link so you can visit some of my fabulous friends!
Sept 9 - Gina Lee Kim http://ginaleekim.blogspot.com/
Sept 10- Jacqueline Newbold http://djnewbold.blogspot.com/
Sept 11 - Sue Bleiweiss http://www.suebleiweiss.com/blog
Sept 12 – Jackie Bowcutt http://stitchworks-jackie.blogspot.com/
Sept 13th - Kristin La Flamme http://kristinlaflamme.com/musings
Sept 14- Jane Davies http://janedavies-collagejourneys.blogspot.com/
Sept 16 - Terry Grant http://www.andsewitgoes.blogspot.com/
Sept 19 - Lesley Riley http://www.lesleyriley.com/weblog/
Sept 20 - Traci Bunkers https://www.tracibunkers.com/blog/
Sept 21 - Lynn Krawczyk http://smudgedtextilesstudio.com/blog/
Sept 22 Desiree Habicht http://myclothesline.blogspot.com
Sept 23 – Jamie Fingal http://jamiefingaldesigns.blogspot.com/
Sept 24 - Mary Beth Shaw http://mbshaw.blogspot.com/
Sept 25 –Kari McKnight-Holbrook http://backporchartessa.blogspot.com/
Sept 26 – Deborah Boschert http://deborahsjournal.blogspot.com/
Monday, September 23, 2013
Sketchbook Challenge Blog Hop-Giveaway
Hello to one and all! This month is the Blog hop for Sketchbook Challenge, and I'm so happy to be a part of such a fantastic group of artists/educators, that I will be doing a give away! I'll be giving away a copy of my Cloth Paper Scissors Workshop Video "Backgrounds to Bindings." That way, you too can stay home in your comfy jammies and make sketchbooks and play along with us!
So- to ENTER TO WIN my giveaway, On the 25th of September, come back and leave a comment here on this blog -(make sure I have a way to contact you email wise). On the morning of the 26th, I'll print all the comments out, cut them apart, and put them into a hat. Mike will draw the winning number, and we'll post it here:)
While you are waiting, take a peek at some of the amazing art going around!
Sept 9 - Gina Lee Kim http://ginaleekim.blogspot.com/
Sept 10- Jacqueline Newbold http://djnewbold.blogspot.com/
Sept 11 - Sue Bleiweiss http://www.suebleiweiss.com/blog
Sept 12 – Jackie Bowcutt http://stitchworks-jackie.blogspot.com/
Sept 13th - Kristin La Flamme http://kristinlaflamme.com/musings
Sept 14- Jane Davies http://janedavies-collagejourneys.blogspot.com/
Sept 16 - Terry Grant http://www.andsewitgoes.blogspot.com/
Sept 19 - Lesley Riley http://www.lesleyriley.com/weblog/
Sept 20 - Traci Bunkers https://www.tracibunkers.com/blog/
Sept 21 - Lynn Krawczyk http://smudgedtextilesstudio.com/blog/
Sept 22 Desiree Habicht http://myclothesline.blogspot.com
Sept 23 – Jamie Fingal http://jamiefingaldesigns.blogspot.com/
Sept 24 - Mary Beth Shaw http://mbshaw.blogspot.com/
Sept 25 –Kari McKnight-Holbrook http://backporchartessa.blogspot.com/
Sept 26 – Deborah Boschert http://deborahsjournal.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Really? 4 months? No way!
OH MY GOODNESS! Where on earth does time go? I am apalled that 4 months have gone by since my last post! But then I think back to what I've DONE in those 4 months! I've had my good friend from Australia, Jen Crossley come stay with me for 7 weeks and the time just FLEW by! We kept thinking we would have time to just go do some fun sight-seeing things while she was here, but it did not happen! The work-load was so heavy, it seemed we only got done what we had to for the next trip!
Then, tons and tons of workshops and travelling, (including teaching in France), plus I have been working toward online workshops and webinars and other good things to come-so I have just been pedal to the metal! But- just to catch you up quick-
Then, tons and tons of workshops and travelling, (including teaching in France), plus I have been working toward online workshops and webinars and other good things to come-so I have just been pedal to the metal! But- just to catch you up quick-
I'll be hostessing a LIVE WEBINAR for Cloth Paper Scissors magazine. Thursday August 29 at 4:00 pm EST. Here is a link to sign up: http://www.interweavestore.com/delectable-doodles-and-beyond
I'm still in the thick of it, and slammed busy, but will be calm, cool and collected on Thursday- Hope you can all join me!
***If you cannot attend live, sign up, and they will send you a wonderful download and you will be able to enjoy the webinar anytime at your leisure.
I'll be popping in soon with catch up postings, and tons and tons of photos and eye candy from my trips... as soon as I can catch a breath!
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Backgrounds to Bindings
It's here! It's here! I am so beyond excited! I've practically been holding my breath since last year, waiting for today to come! My Cloth Paper Scissors Workshop Video is here!
It's almost 2 hours long, and it is chock full of ideas for printing backgrounds, mixing your colors and several different quick ways to bind your journals without sewing!
More specific details are available here
A peek from the video is available on youtube here
To buy the DVD, you can visit here
To buy the digital download, you can visit here
I had such a wonderful time with the Editor Jenn Mason, and the crew and staff of Cloth Paper Scissors as I filmed this! They were awesome and supportive, and made it very comfortable for me to be able to share this information with you!
It's almost 2 hours long, and it is chock full of ideas for printing backgrounds, mixing your colors and several different quick ways to bind your journals without sewing!
More specific details are available here
A peek from the video is available on youtube here
To buy the DVD, you can visit here
To buy the digital download, you can visit here
I had such a wonderful time with the Editor Jenn Mason, and the crew and staff of Cloth Paper Scissors as I filmed this! They were awesome and supportive, and made it very comfortable for me to be able to share this information with you!
Thursday, February 21, 2013
~ France ~
I'm so excited to share the details with each of you! Only a few spots left! One of them must be yours!
-Early Bird Discount Available!-
Create, shop, dine, wander and explore in this magical, inspirational week-long retreat in the charming village of Durfort. In the breathtakingly beautiful south of France, you will create innovative, soul refreshing art while exploring techniques and materials in a supportive, encouraging and productive environment – with a generous dose of inspiration from native son Toulouse Lautrec! Think color , movement and excitement, gentle waking life and vivid dreams -- we'll explore ways to capture this in our own active stories! Investigate ways to take your art further than ever before! Nurturing pushes, innovative techniques, inspirational tips, instruction and free play will release your inner muse to fearless creativity levels yet explored.
You will create several on the go journals, and fancy faux metal and leather journals, all waiting to be adorned with the perfect flea market charm or treasure! We’ll cast molds of even more treasures, multiplying our stash! You will be successful with watercolor and acrylic painting even if you’ve never painted before; you’ll be relaxing and sketching even if you’ve never sketched before! Kari will share photography tips from her award winning photography career so that you can capture perfect images to use in your art for years to come! The laughter, friendship, support, instruction and fun create the magic for memories and art of a lifetime! (Even a bit of jewelry magic inspired by our flea market treasures might surprise everyone!)
Just a few places we'll visit: the newly renovated Toulouse Lautrec Museum in Albi to draw inspiration from Lautrec's world. We’ll see the world famous patterned French gardens and Palais de la Berbie. When we're not energetically creating, there will be leisurely excursions exploring the glorious local colors and flavors in area flea markets, the En Calcat monastery (and its renowned art and bookstore), and the famous Saturday market of Revel, where visitors and locals both find amazing treasures. There is even the possibility of a personalized French cooking class or two! Once there we will have a multitude of seasonal events to explore!
All excursions are optional; this is a week to pamper yourself and invigorate your muse. You might wish to stay focused, read, catch up on emails, visit darling local shops, enjoy the terrace with a cool drink, relax, work on a personal piece in the studio, explore the local waterfalls on your own or, if luxury of luxuries, take a nap during the sunny French afternoons.
We have the pleasure of enjoying fine, fresh, local food prepared by our own personal chef, Nese. We'll meet for a delicious and sustaining breakfast. Lunch, which is served on the terrace, will nourish us for the afternoon's adventures. Candlelight, wine, and chef Nese's dinner, accompanied by laughter, memories and creative discussions will add to our delightful time in Durfort.
The Workshop
Art Instruction every morning, an optional field trip most afternoons, including flea markets, museums, galleries, open air photo walks, leisurely strolls and enjoying village shops.
The studio will be open for your pleasure any time your muse calls day or night.
Dinners will be an event unto their own each evening with lively unscripted discussions and reflections of the magic we’ve seen unfold that day.
Optional winding down art exercises will be held in the evenings for those who still have energies to spend, or want to capture the magic of the day.
The Accommodations
La Cascade's charming bedrooms are double occupancy (two beds) with three shared full bathrooms. The beautiful new art studio is on the third floor and available to you, whenever your muse strikes. Living room, dining room, and a large outside terrace that goes down to the river are part of La Cascade. Our own personal chef will provide delicious and healthy meals. The workshop price includes most meals.
The Price
Workshop price of $2000 includes (*early bird discount available!)
● Seven nights of lodging at La Cascade- double occupancy
●Many afternoon field trips
●All breakfasts, and almost all lunches and dinners
●Workshop instruction and many lovely supplies
● Marvelously rich goodie bags, including a collector’s edition of stamps and stencils, specifically designed for attendees of Kari’s workshop
● $500 deposit will hold your space
●Final Payment due by April 20, 2013
●Early Bird discount of 225$ if paid in full by April 1, 2013
●Registration limited for the utmost personal attention from the instructor (only a couple spots left)
●Participants will be mailed a registration packet with detailed information, itinerary and all sorts of fun preparation inspirations
To Reserve your place fill out the form below and mail your check, payable to me, to this address: OR Contact me for information about the paypal option!
• Contact Kari at karimcknightholbrook@yahoo.com with any questions.
Visit Gwen Gibson's website for more information about La Cascade
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