It's all out pandemonium for the Holbrook household! Deadlines to be met, projects to be finished and photographed, proposals to be written, a house to be cleaned, bills to be paid and TONS of catching up on paperwork and advertising details! PLUS, it's an all out push to finish up the details of my Workshop in France next year! (Details coming soon I PROMISE! I had to wait for some info back from the travel agent, and some from the dept of tourisim!)
It seems a bit overwhelming, and I LOVE the holiday season. This year, all my deadlines converged on me for the months of November and December!

I can only give sneak peeks, but here are just a few of the multitude of projects I've finished and submitted! Next year promises to be an exciting one- filled with Love, Joy and ART!
Delightfully teasing photos. Have a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I hope you have some time to enjoy the season.
You have been a very busy Bee Miss Kari.Love seeing all your sneak peeks
Holidays are the best, aren't they -- even when you just sort of close your eyes and wish you didn't love 'em so much so you could be laid back like everyone else!
Merriest -- and France sounds so exciting!
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