Wow has time ever flown! In a little less than 3 weeks Mike and I've been all over the place, and visited with friends from around the country!
First, we had a visit with our good friends Kathy from TN, and Andi from WV. So nice they could come in early and spend time with us! First Mike made us his awesome world famous ribs, we enjoyed the comedy styling of John Pinette. The next day the girls and I spent a glorious day stimulating the economy of Dublin Ohio at Miss Biddies Coach House & Tea Room, and then shopping at The Morgan House. Not finished yet, we finished the day with a car full of goodies from The Greater Columbus Antique Mall.
From then the race was on. Artiscape was in full swing, with Mike, Kathy and I setting up and them vending while I demo-ed my new favorite tools, Knead-a-mold and Casting Resin! (More on that later!!!) So all day & night Friday and Saturday we were swamped busy. Our booth was small but mightily filled with goodies, and the shoppers and other vendors were so much fun!
Sunday was my "Happy Bird Sings" clay covered journal class, taking the majority of our day. Had great students, and a lot of fun. Andi shot home after her classes, and Kathy and Mike and I wound down getting Kathy ready for the Airport the next morning.
Upon arriving home from the airport, I was lucky enough to spend time with my cousins Wendy and Laura. Sadly, we lost Laura's mom- my Aunt Linda, and I was heartbroken at not being able to attend the funeral due to my Artiscape commitments, but thank goodness I got to spend time with my girls. We were the closest in age, and so of course we spent lots of time together growing up. I miss my time with my cousins. Now that I'm always travelling, Wendy is in CA and Laura has 5 kids- that time is precious and scarce these days. They kindly helped me re-stock my supplies for my booth and we spent nice times together at the Antique mall and then splurged on Jeni's Ice Cream. If you've never had their Bangkok Peanut....OHHHH MY! Thai Chili Spice, Peanuts and Coconut....ice cream that sets your mouth on fire....I DREAM of it...
Then Easter! And Mike was on the freeway, and a Canadian Goose flew right into the car! Smashed the windshield, dented the roof, and sent glass all over him. The Lord was good and spared Mike from any injury, and other than being shaken and having an un-driveable car, all was well. We scrambled, and Mom lent us her car, as the very NEXT day we were to leave for Art & Soul in Hampton VA.

Mike's Easter Goose Encounter
We loaded the car to the gills, and headed out- stopping at Andi's to spend the night. Mapquest said it was exactly halfway... Mike and I were used to our GPS, and my Mom's was totally different. We ended up going thru the most twisty, turny, 180 degree, one laned roads, but we eventually got there, and we had a lovely, VERY rural drive doing it. We hit an antique store with Andi and found even more goodies, and had a fun dinner out. A nice evening chatting and then off to bed to get ready for the next day. Of course Andi had prepared her WORLD FAMOUS Creme Brulee' French Toast, and so Mike and I waddled to the car and said goodbye, knowing we would meet up with her again in a few days at Art & Soul!
Mike and I went through the Monongahela National Forest & Park, and the George Washington State Park on our way to Hampton Virginia. Lovely all- stomach did not like the curves much though...
Hooray! We arrived at Art & Soul, and I taught 2 full classes of the most awesome and open-minded, creative artists! Each and everyone a happy success story! Fluid Romance and Event Journals Extraordinaire! Can't say enough good about the experience! Everyone was positive and happy and thrilled to be there, enjoying the venue and each others company! Class spaces were wonderfully large and comfortable. The hotel rooms were lovely suites with plenty of space to sit and work and still be comfortable.
I got to spend good down time with my friends Christy from VA and Deb from TX, along with Andi and a new friend Adriane. Seemed I also got to quickly connect and see dozens of friends in the halls and at breakfast every day.
I also was fortunate to meet several of my art heroes- which is always a big kick! I was so pleased to meet Suzanne McNeill, Pam Carriker, Lesley Riley and Susan Lenart Kasmer. Fabulous ladies each and every one!
Vendors Night came, and with a WHOOSH it went, but boy did our booth just BLOW OUT the goodies! Can't believe how many empty containers we had on the table at the end of just 3 hours! I just barely had a few minutes before opening to scour the room, and a few minutes after closing to go back and pick up my treasures. I always have to stop at Lesley and Tom Venables table- they have the most MARVELOUS goodies! And Lesley is an awesome instructor on top of it all!
Finally the sad day came. Art & Soul was over, and we headed home. Mike and I shopped at little out-of-the-way antique shops all the way home to restock our supplies for our vending booth again. And WOW! What cool stuff we found! Can't wait to show you!
Whew! If you've hung-on this long, my thanks. I don't know when I'll get to get back again, as I am leaving for the CREATE Retreat in Costa Mesa CA in just a few days, and I am crazily getting ready for those classes. Unpacking, Repacking, Restocking and Shipping has taken it's toll on the house. Thank goodness Mike will be home this time, to keep things under control!
Can't tell you how much I enjoyed reading of your adventures! I almost felt like I got to go right along with y'all! Your booth was set up so nicely! Congrats on being so successful! I know that loads and loads of work were involved! Again, I am SO proud and happy for how things have turned around for you - doing the things that you LOVE to do and meeting old friends and making new ones! I think about you daily and wish you all the best with great success and the best of health!
Your booth looks great. Happy to hear you did so well.
My stay was too short. We did manage to cram a lot in a short time. Thanks for the great hospitality.
Have fun at your next art retreat. I think you need a pair of roller skates!
Send me an email!!! :) Still thinking about what we talked about and looking forward to hearing what is happening. :) So good to see ya in Hampton!
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