Hip Hip Hooray!
Guess I'm official now, with 100 posts into this blog world where I've met so many new friends and clever, creative, passionate people! I've learned so much, and I've realized how much there is to still learn! I'd like to say thank you for coming along with me on this journey of discovery!
In celebration of this 100th post, I feel the need for a giveaway! Just leave me a comment in this post (with an email link to contact you) and if your name is drawn, I'll send you a deliciously overstuffed package of art supplies and goodies from my studio! This giveaway will close on the 30th, when I'll announce the winner here. For every 25 comments posted, I'll add another goodie package and draw an additional winner!
Coming Events!
(I saw this on Mother's Day and didn't have the camera. Many thanks to Mike for going back and grabbing this shot!)
I am working on new classes, completing the projects and writing the notebooks. More to come on those soon....working with some very exciting new materials and techniques!
I am preparing to open up for some public art classes in my studio this summer- watch for details!
I have been asked to teach at a couple of Stamp and Scrapbook stores in Ohio, and am preparing information for 2 others about classes, so I may be coming to a town near you soon! More details as they become available.
I've been commissioned by 2 different families to design their family reunion T shirts. (I've done my own family's reunion shirts every year since 98.) Always a fun challenge to make them personal and meaningful to the families.
I've been really feeling a strong desire to move in a bolder direction for my personal art. I still seem scattered as I am working on a fairies art journal, a health art journal, and a patriotic outrage art journal, but other areas are becoming streamlined as I am starting to see a stronger style coming to the forefront.
I have been carving stamps like crazy for some of my art projects. Anne Bagby taught me how a couple of years ago, and it is so relaxing. Here are the ones I completed last week.

Speaking of Anne Bagby, those of you who know me, know how much I adore her and her work. She inspires something very deep within my artistic soul, her pieces always seem to sing to me. I've been very blessed to be able to spend time with Anne, creating some of my favorite pieces while with her. Not very long ago, Creative Catalyst Productions released Anne's video "Collage: Paper, Patterns, and Glazing." I got it a week or so ago, and have watched it twice already. It is just like Anne in class- 100 miles an hour, with 100+ sure fire techniques! Not only do you get to enjoy the creative energies of this gifted artist, but there are print outs and additional techniques as well as the 5 separate (beginning to end) pieces you get to experience. Each step is filmed in real time as she does it, and you get to watch the artistic decisions being made, as she explains why. I love this part of the video, as it seems to give me a deeper understanding as to how she creates what she does. I love seeing the final pieces and the variations along the way.
If you would like to know more about Anne, http://www.annebagby.com/ here is her web site.

http://www.ccpvideos.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=CCP&Category_Code=ARTAHB if you would like to know more about Anne's video.
Congrats on your 100th blogaversary! Mike took a terrific photo of the nest. And, may I add, your hand carved stamps look absolutely wonderful! Your students at the stamp stores and scrapbook stores will really enjoy themselves.
Hi Kari- Happy 100th!! I love your hand carved stamps--they are awesome!
Brenda Bliss
100 blogs! Awesome! I have had fun looking through off and on - what a lot of wonderful ideas.
Maggi Grabowski
Whoohoo 100 posts awesome! I love blog giveaways so count me in!
Kari, your carved stamps are amazing, what a great job you did they're so detailed!
Love the nest picture awesome!!
Cool! One hundred posts - and all interesting and inspiring!
100 posts! That is terrific! Thanks for all your inspiring words and efforts. You are amazing!
congrats on your milestone post! I originally found your blog through the One World 2009 that was going on awhile back-thought I would stop by again for a visit!
Kari, your life is super busy - how do you do it all?! I love your hand-carved stamps - awesome! And Mike's nest/eggs photos is beautiful! I really appreciate the info on Anne Bagby's DVD - I want it!
Congratulations on your 100th post - I always enjoy visiting here!
Congratulations Kari. I want your handcarved stamps. Dang, I thought I was doing good with my little bit of carving. Ok, hand over those stamps!!!
Kari, congratulations on your 100th post. Keeping up with a blog commitment takes enormous focus (I drift in and out, wishing I got to mine more often). Your carved stamps are magnificent, so precise and with such a sense of movement and nice the props to Anne Bagby, one of whose stamps I am lucky enough to have as a post-collaboration gift. Would love to be entered in your contest.
Funny, you don't look that old!!!
Congratulations and thanks for the links!!
Found this site quite by chance and love it! Read about the classes and thought there was no way you would ever be at a location near me. Then when I read your profile I discovered your just on the other side of I-270 - the continuous freeway! Can't wait 'til you post a schedule! Thanks for being such great motivation!
Many congrats on your 100th post!!! Good for you! Can't wait to see what the next 100 bring. What a beautiful blog you have.
Congratulations on your 100 post, go girl. I love Ann and purchased her video and like you love it and have watched it several times. What did you use to carve your stamps? I took you off my facebook because you post a lot and basically its family on there, hope your not offended. I think I can still view you so will respond. Thanks Peggy
Love how much you share! I am always inspired by your art! I read your article in Art Journaling and was inspired to start my own faith journal! Thank you for sharing your passion with us.
You did an awesome job on your carved stamps - they look exquisite!
Kari, when do you find the time? Your stamps are incredible. Miss talking to you at faithbooking.
Susan, shmi2@sbcglobal.net
Congratulations on your 100th post! I love your blog...The hand carved rubber stamps are too much! Gorgeous!
hugs, Andi
Wow, Kari, you are just on a roll! Congrats on the 100th post *grin* Love your new stamps and very excited to hear you are getting some local teaching gigs. Good for you. I will have to watch for class info here.
Love Love Love your blog! A friend told me about it and once I found it I went back all the way thru it! So many creative outlets in your everyday life! My favorite has got to be the "elves" who visit your house! Thanks for sharing your everyday inspirations!
Wow! We voted you "most talented" in high school- and you've certainly maintained that status! Great to reconnect with you on FB! Chris
keri! did you send your review of anne's cd to her I know she'd enjoy! your carving is great ! she'd be proud of you! since she revised her web site we have sent a few words back and forth! I'll say to you what she says to me more more.!! lyle
Hi Kari
LOL I took a class on carving stamps at Artfest, and somehow mine didnt even come close to yours. In fact, mine was so bad I threw it away. Yours are beautiful
take care
Penny Miles
Visiting from Judi's and love your stamps. I would be short a few digits if I tried that activity.
Hi Kari,
100 posts is fantastic! I wanted to thank you again for hosting the Artiscape Fatbook. It is truly beautiful - and fat! The charm exchange was fun - a little slow-moving though.(ha-ha) So many pretty things. I am glad you enjoyed Artiscape. You know how hard Lisa worked on everything. Barbara Nekic
Hi, Kari,
Love your blog! 100 posts is awesome!
wow KARI...you are always so inspiring..and cool stamps..of course now i have to step up the complexity of mine..haha and i had to go order Anne's dvd...finally a way i can take "classes" and not have to figure out a way to get there..which hardly ever happens..oh while i was there i had to order Lisa Engelbrecht;s too..haha!
i hope more teachers make dvd's..what a fabulous way to learn!!
miss you!
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