Still a few spots left at Art Is You! Don't Miss out on the best Art Retreat in the nation!
to see more info :
Letter Palooza
Thursday September 17, 2015
in Minneapolis MN
Friday October 9, 2015 in Stamford CT

Feel your handwriting keeps you from art journaling? Never use your
own writing in your art? No more worries! No drawing or calligraphy
skills required! This stress free class is the perfect intro to creating
your own unique and beautiful fonts and writing style to incorporate
into your art pieces!
This class is really 2 in 1! It combines 2 of Kari McKnight
Holbrook’s most popular classes into one delicious day! You will learn
how to make your own tools to ease this process. Kari’s step by step
demos and visual aids make it all so simple, and enjoyable! You will
learn how to create multiple power word cards to be used and re-used in
your art for years to come. Once you’ve created the masters, you can
copy and resize and seamlessly incorporate into your future projects in a
blink of an eye!
Discussions and samples printed on various papers will make you jump
for joy at the possibilities! The bonus to this workshop are the sexy
tips and tricks that enable you to use your writing on canvases and
journals without risking beautiful backgrounds you’ve already made!
Stamp Creation and Beautiful Papers
Friday September 18, 2015 in Minneapolis MN
Monday October 12, 2015 in Stamford CT

If you have ever wanted to put more of your own artistic voice into your
projects, here is your perfect opportunity to realize that goal.
Whether you prefer organic or precise, positive or negative, Kari
McKnight Holbrook has a technique for you!
Once you learn the 7 wonderful ways of creating your own stamps, you
can completely customize all your mixed media projects from here on out!
Kari will teach you the safe and seductive art of carving PLUS
introduce 6 other ways to use unusual products to make your mark makers!
Part of the afternoon will be spent enjoying the paper printing bliss
that comes from printing with handmade stamps.
Everyone will go home with their own stamps, a brain full of ideas,
and beautifully printed original papers to be used in all manner of
future projects! Kari will share many secrets for creating safe and
successful stamps including fool proof image transfers to the carving
surface. Kari shares all her sources in a printed list! Tips and
examples of how to use the papers will be shared as well. Warning: this
process is highly addictive….
Stamps, Stencils, Gellis and Thermofax
Saturday September 19, 2015 in Minneapolis MN
Thursday October 8, 2015 in Stamford CT
So we’ve all heard about Gelatin printing, but are maybe a little unsure of the process.
Kari McKnight Holbrook
will walk you through all the steps, unlock all the secrets about how
to make your OWN printing plates, how to use them, how to incorporate
stamps, stencils and thermofax screens into the mix, plus how to adhere
and what to do with the wonderful stash of papers they create!
We will discuss the pros and cons of home-made gelatin plates vs
manufactured plates, and how it changes your printing. Monoprints
without a press!! This is a stress free, joyful class that will inspire
your work for years to come. True to Kari’s nature, she will share new
ways to use your stamps and stencils.
Gelatin printing is one of the keystone building blocks of mixed
media- jump in now and join the fun! Everyone leaves with stacks and
stacks of beautiful papers!
Sweet Salvage Stories
Sunday September 20, 2015 in Minneapolis MN

In this class you will be rescuing a poor abandoned, dog-eared and
scribbled-in children’s book. You will breathe life back into it and
watch as it transforms itself under your loving touch. With dazzling
textures and subtle, yet dimensional colors, a beautiful butterfly of a
journal will emerge from the battered cocoon of neglect. With gesso,
crackles and mediums, we will delve into the daring world of adding
texture to our pages!
Kari McKnight Holbrook
will guide you as you develop a personal alphabet, and become
comfortable with the tips she’ll give you for the drawing and lettering
techniques. Special emphasis will be given to lettering and developing
your own visual voice as an artist. The process is so relaxing; you
might find it hard to stop with just one! To add to your collection of
these lively little books, you’ll find yourself haunting the thrift
stores, library sales and rummage bazaars! No drawing or calligraphy
skills necessary!
To sign up for any of these exciting workshops, please visit