Dot and Nancy enjoy the nice large classrooms
After teaching The Happy Birds Sings Journal class all day, it was time to rush over and set up for vendors night! I was particularly anxious because we were launching my new line of polymer stamps. I am so thrilled to proudly say that the ENTIRE line sold out, and we took tons of orders for more in less than 3 hours! All the other goodies seemed to sell fantastically as well. Again- Mike, my hero, never looked up for the 3 hours, he was so busy ringing up sales! Thank goodness for him- I would be so flustered, but he was fabulously unfazed.
In person, it looked alot longer than the photo shows!
Our schedule said we had 1 hour to set up 16 feet's worth of our lovely goodies! I was a little stressed that we wouldn't make it, as we had so many bits and pieces, but it actually worked out just fine. At an antique shop earlier this year, I found vintage suitcases with the initials on them. The initials spelled out ART! Can you believe it? They called to me, and of course I snapped them up to vend with. They ended up being just what we needed for transportation and packing. Thank goodness they were a LOT lighter going home.
After we packed up that night, and got to eat dinner, it was about 1 am. I was exhausted, but it was a happy and fulfilled exhaustion!
Up early the next day to set up the classroom for teaching A Fluid Romance class. The lovely spacious room was soon filled to the brim with wonderful, open and creative students. The work that comes out of this class is always amazing, and I am always so happy to share these times with students, and experience their breakthroughs with them. I can't tell you how happy I am at the end of each day. Filled to the brim with happy bubbles....
Lots of room to move around and spread out creative treasures! Most came away with not one, but 2 completed projects! They got so excited they used their practice canvasses too!
We headed home the next morning, and got in around midnight. I've been unpacking and restocking supplies ever since. Art & Soul Portland is just a couple weeks away! I've also been busy writing up proposals for CREATE 2012. Hopefully, you'll see me in Irvine next May!