A Man and A Moon Pie... It all started with a 9 hour drive south to see Anne Bagby demo at The River Gallery in Chatanooga. (If you are in the area- I can't encourage you strongly enough to go see this wonderful gallery and Anne's unique work! The texture and depth of the pieces will blow you away!)

Knowing we were heading south, we called up our friend Kathy, (another awesome artist) to see if she could meet us for the day to see Anne's show. She and her hubby hopped in the car and we were thrilled to spend a fun afternoon with them exploring the Bluff View Arts district of Chatanooga with them. It was absolutely STUPID HOT! Our car read 103° and I believed every degree of it.
Our 1st stop was The Original Moon Pie Store. They used to give tours at the factory, but because of some silly laws somewhere they can't anymore, so they did have an interesting video about how the pies are made.

I never DREAMED there were so many varietys of Moon Pies! I knew about the chocolate originals and Doubles, and I had even seen the banana flavor, but peanut butter, and mint, and organge, OH MY! Minis and Doubles and singles and cartons!

We began seeing wonderful sculpture, and knew we were closing in on our destination.

Through the doorway they had a wonderful space set up for Anne to demo in, and she was mezmerizing the crowd as she worked. She explained her methods and had her hand carved stamps on hand to see and feel.
After chatting with Anne a bit, and viewing the entire gallery twice, and making a purchase, we took our leave back out into the heat, and walked along the river. Beautiful breezes made it feel like it was only 100 instead of 103!
As we walked back to the car, we made one last stop for a mega box of Moon Pies! All in all, I think it was truly one of the most perfect days enjoying life and alot of the wonderful things it has to offer!
By the way- did you know you can microwave a Moon Pie? Says so right on the wrapper. We did. Now we are sorry we didn't buy 2 mega boxes of them!