~Laura, Shelly, and Barbie enjoying some friend time~
Many people have been asking what happens at my Art & Tea parties. Thanks to my friend Shelly Grim, now I have pictures to show! Generally the whole thing gets started by the guest of honor and I getting together to create the invitations.

~Barbie bravely trying a new technique~
The day of the party, I have everything ready and all supplies laid out and ready to go in the studio. I then demonstrate the project, and the artists begin creating.

~Tea Baskets for lunch, all home-made goodness~
At a good stopping point (usually waiting for something to dry or cure) we head downstairs to the dinning room for a leisurely luncheon.

~Cindy and Shellys mom chatting as they work on their art~
After lunch, it's back up to the studio, and finish up the project. The day finishes up with home-made dessert. It's a great time to hang out and socialize with friends and crank up the creativity!

~ Shelly and her Mom enjoying time spent together~
For those with less time, I offer a pizza party & project, or solely art lessons and craft workshops.

~Some of the day's projects~