Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Gift Box Nite Lites

Monday, November 3, 2008
Artiscape 2009
While I have taught mixed media classes at many different venues, this year will be a first teaching at Artiscape. I have attended the event every single year, and can't say enough about the inspiration and awesome atmosphere of this particular Artist's Retreat. I've attended many different art venues around the country (outside the USA as well) and I hold a sincere fondness for this particular gathering. It is run by Lisa Ohmer of European Papers, and is a class act all the way. Artiscape 2009 will be held in Columbus Ohio, April 17-19, with pre-event workshops on Thurday the 16th as well. For more information on Artiscape, click the link below. The web site will be up in just a few days.