Wow- this faith journal project is really moving along for me. If I had more time free to work on it, it would be done already, as the ideas are flowing faster than I can get time to produce them! (That's ALWAYS a welcome problem to any artist, as opposed to the other way around!) I've found I am enjoying each page more and more. I've noticed too, that it seems to be helping me look at some internal questions I have bouncing around. I was certain that by the time I got to the letter "Q" that I would have a tough time finding a word to use... It seems clear sailing until I get to the letters X and Z. Any suggestions?
Fantastic photo for Questions. Isn't it wonderful when the ideas flow!?! I also really like the fall banner (oh no! Is it time for fall things?) suggestions for X and Z: eXtraordinary, eXert, Xylograph, Zeal, Zig Zag, Zany, Zepher.
Gorgeous! I'm thinking about X and Z.
Each entry in your Faith Journal is so moving! I really love this one!
Please keep us posted as to the publications of your entries to Stampington - I know they will love your submissions!
Isn't it great when ideas come at you like that! xerox, x-ray, zenith, zealous, Zion ...
Beautiful Picture Kari - you are such a loving soul
OK, I guess you will have to play on the X, eXellent, eXamine.. ooo I like that one, I may have to use it!!
Z, hmmmm.. Zion, Zoo, Zaccheus...hahaha.. I need to give it up!!!
I miss you!!!
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