The 411

Monday, June 15, 2009

New classes afoot....

Sorry I've been absent, I had a couple of location photo shoots that took me out of state, and a quick trip to Canada in the last couple weeks. Lots of miles on the body. I've been busy during the trips creating the workbooks for some upcoming art classes, and the ideas are flowing like crazy.

I've got a new class that is a personalized caricature in clay. It's the meshing of my 2 favorite methods of using liquid clay, transfer and scrapbooking techniques. As soon as I have time to take more recent photos I'll post them immediately.

In the meantime, imagine the blending of the above two pieces processes, and on canvas to boot!
I hope you are all enjoying this lovely summer so far! More in a day or so!


  1. Congrats on teaching a new class! I will send positive thoughts and prayers that you'll have a wonderful turnout and that it goes as smoothly as your last classes did!
    The concept sounds fun and very creative - looking forward to hearing more about it!

  2. still waiting for the photos of this project :~}). Where are you going to teach your class?


  3. i wanna take your clss...hey maybe you need to get a video standing in line i read your post on wanting to make your art more you, more powerful...etc....i am so lost right now with my art..i feel like i am floundering...when is your class going to be?..maybe i could make a weekend road trip if the timing works and come take it..i need an art booster shot or something..and spending time with you would be a blast..i would even volunteer to be your classroom helper.....

  4. Wow I love this new class, I agree make a video so we can all buy it!! Good luck Kari!
