The 411

Monday, June 1, 2009

And the winners are....

Yahoo! We had over 25 comments, so I'm giving away 2 stuffed boxes of goodies from the studio! (And I've been in the midst of a major re-organization and cleaning, so I've found tons of interesting things!)

So with no further ado- Jackie Smith, and Elaine! I will be contacting you for your mailing info so these bulging boxes can make their way to your crafty little hands ASAP!

Congratulations! I hope you will enjoy your goodies and you will share with us some of your creations that might occur with your new stash!


  1. Oh Happy Day!! I am so excited!! Thank you so much for offering this giveaway and for drawing my name!! I am SO grateful!!

  2. Thank you very much! I am so excited to be a winner! Elaine
