The 411

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Gratitude Journal Day 15

Today I'm thankful for my vision. For my ability to distinguish and appreciate line, form, shape, color, and light. For my eyes which are definitely my Daddy's. They are my sole beauty.


  1. WOW what an amazing spread - how did you create that eye? have you drawn it? fantastic, I am intending to do a themed journal, song lyrics keep calling to me so when I get time I will do it...

  2. Oh, I disagree, I think you have much deeper beauty and it is in your personality! Hope winter is treating you well. I have been taking a bit of a creative break whilst I work to declutter my life and get my mojo back *grin* Lovin' every minute of it!

  3. I found my way here because you had posted at my blog, I love your journal pages. I love the artwork you do but I mostly love that you're making page dedicated to being grateful. A lovely idea.

  4. I love eyes, not only my own LOL but your page and I'm a big one for using them in my art. Great piece and I just gotta love the purple you used! Hang in there!

  5. Hi Kari I love your gratitude journal. The color, the words, the lettering, the's all beautiful and I like the idea of keeping a journal of what you're thankful for. I started a Thankful Thursday post on my blog. You've given me and idea now that perhaps I need to do a journal too. One of my posts was being thankful for my eyes too! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope you'll visit again soon.
