The 411

Monday, January 14, 2008

The Artful_Losers

The group for artists who want to lose weight is off to a rollicking start! Such WONDERFUL and SUPPORTIVE women. We've vented, we've rambled, we've cheered and encouraged. Information is freely flowing, and the pounds are melting off. Today we started our first 10 pound challenge, and as each one of us hits our mark, the others will send small bits of handmade art, or ephemera for our stash. It's amazing how coming together as a group, we each feel stronger. I feel so focused. It's like an adrenaline rush. I have very high hopes indeed for this great group of creative, fabulous, passionate women!

1 comment:

  1. fabulous idea, good luck to you all - I am intending on loosing 1/2 stone that I put on at Xmas xx
