The 411

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

A little something just for me! Polymer Fairy Houses

So, I've been running non-stop this year, and haven't had time to make many of the ideas rattling around in my head- so I took a day, and made something just for me!  (Well, something I've been wanting to make, and something that I could share with Sculpey too.)  As many of you know, I am on the Sculpey Design team.  They are a wonderful company to work with, and I enjoy all the challenges they give us!  They have been really a great source of inspiration for me, and I hope to share the fun with all of you!

I am fascinated with tiny.  Small is BIG right now.  Gnome homes, fairy homes, fairy furniture, fairy doors.  But I have loved fairies since I was a little girl.  I always liked small.  Barbie furniture, elf furniture, sleeping bags, elf toys and elf gardens.  I loved to re-purpose things even then to make tiny things.  Spools and clothespins were always handy, lids and sewn little cushions and tables and chairs.  Oh and tiny containers!!! Sigh....

So as a way of rewarding myself for not overeating this holiday season, I headed for clay.  I spent a glorious fairly uninterrupted day making these little fairy cottages.  Just for me.  They serve no purpose, other than to make me happy.  And they do!

If you would like to make your own fairy cottage, I spell it out step by step, with tons of photos over on the Sculpey Blog.  Jump over if you wanna see!

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