The 411

Friday, November 21, 2014

Inspiration on the road!

So I was going to post a little project I had designed while I was away on a visit to the family. However, on a stop to rest our legs at the Berea KY Arts and Craft center, I ran across the most fascinating artists polymer cane work!  Artists James C. Rich and Diana Smith Thomas's work bewitched me.  I don't know them and have never met them but I looked and looked and looked at their beautiful work, and made an agonizingly difficult decision of which pieces to purchase.  I finally settled  on this beautiful delicate pink pair.   If you want to see more you can visit their web site at or you can visit their facebook page at

I love love love finding new polymer clay artists, and their beautiful work, and I am THRILLED that it was SO available and SO visible at a wonderful travellers rest spot!  Maybe we as artists need to find more unexpected places to show our work:)