The 411

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Adventures in Jo-Ann's


So yesterday, I was helping my friend Shelly prepare for her first CREATE Mixed Media Art Retreat.  I suggested we run to JoAnn's Fabric to pick up a few supplies.  

I wanted to make sure that I grabbed the new copy of MINGLE Magazine.   Have yall seen the new
MINGLE magazine yet? You can run get your copy here- fully fantastic with all sorts of party and event ideas!  I'm so thrilled, it has an article by my friend Ricë Freeman Zachary on Art Is You.  If you have ever been curious, Art Is You is more than just an art retreat. It is an embracing, trans formative life experience.  Ricë says it so much better - I'll leave the fancy 'splaining to her.  I'm just THRILLED to be called part of the Art Is You family, and will be teaching there again next year.  Jump over here for a peek on the blog, and here for more info on how you too can be a part of this fantastic event!

Art Is...You - Your Mixed Media Art Retreats

So- wanting to support my friend, my events, my trade mags and my crafting industry has all paid off!  I am scurrying back and forth gathering a creative stash when what to my wondering eyes appear? 

Nothing other than MY OWN VIDEO!  There is was in all it's glory, Backgrounds to Bindings on the shelf proud as can be!  Okay, I have to admit that I got goose pimples!!! Having a product of mine on the shelves of a major retailer has always been a huge goal of mine- a career bucket lister you might say!  I could have been knocked over with a feather- I ran to tell Shelly, and tons of giggles ensued as we tried to get a photo of me with it on the shelves. (I was just the wrong height for the shelves, and certainly the wrong width for the camera-lol!)   I am so grateful to Interweave and Cloth Paper Scissors for taking a chance on me.  Pop in here for a video sneak peek, and see the reviews from other customers.  Here if you want to purchase a video and have it sent to you.  Or visit this site if you would like to download it instantly.

If you are interested my stamp line, used in the video, please visit my etsy store here.

If you are interested in a more in-depth step by step webinar download on the lettering technique used in my video, with over 75 photos and written instructions, called "Delectable Doodles and Beyond" please visit here.


So-if you have read this far, I thank you! And as a little bonus- if you comment on THIS POST, I will be doing a drawing for a "celebratory happy dance" giveaway!  On July 20th, I will do a random drawing of the people who have left comments.  If I have more than 100 comments, I will give away 2 prizes:)

IF you already have one of my videos, THANK YOU! Mention that in the comments and what your favorite tip was, and I will send you one of my stamps!  IF you have one of my stamps, mention that in the comments, and  how you've used it and I will send you a video!

If you don't already have a stamp or video, please mention something YOU would like to learn in a video:)  Thank you all again!  My Heart is so full!

***edited July 21, 2014  Congratulations Kit Cochran from WA state- you are the winner winner catfish dinner!!   Please email me with your snail mail details!


  1. I would LOVE to do a Happy Dance wit you! Love your etsy store! Love your blog! I have even looked at your upcoming classes (I believe they are in Dallas in September at Create???)

  2. Count me in for a happy dance! LOVE your classes and stamps.

  3. Congratulations...what a thrill. Having just created my own art journal from scratch (after years of journaling) I am excited to learn more book/journal making techniques.

  4. Well deserved Happy Dance! I have Backgrounds to Bindings and have watched it more than once.

  5. Now you have me doing the happy dance for you. Congratulations!!!

  6. ooh, first time visitor and this looks like my kind of art! I want to do better lettering on my pages. Great stuff and I do like dancing!!!

  7. Congrats! This is wonderful and I am tossing confetti at you and dancing-my Snoopy dance! I can't wait to see this issue~

  8. I just began to make my own journals, and after reading your post, I downloaded your video. now just waiting for a rainy day to watch it (have to take advantage of the sunny weather in Newfoundland, as the saying goes: "if you don't like the weather, wait 10 minutes!)

    Shine on!

  9. Woohoo!! First time visitor here and I have to say that your news is FANTASTIC! What a blessing it is to accomplish such a goal. I don't have any videos or stamps from you but I've thing I'd love to see is how to create machine/hand stitching as lettering. (I'm not sure if sewing is your forte, but I think that might add an interesting twist!) A big ole congrats to you!

  10. I'm just about to thank Seth Apter for the link to your site. Congratulations on your video. I visited your Etsy shop and LOVE your stamps. There's no doubt I'll be visiting again...there's so much to learn.

  11. ,,,I forgot. One of the things I need to know more about is letering....mine is abysmal.

  12. always need inspiration and technique...please include me in your giveaway:)

  13. Congrats Kari! Now, can you demonstrate that Happy Dance so I get it right ... ? ;D

  14. Congrats on your success! I haven't seen your work yet, but I'd love to learn more about the lettering. By the way, the title of your font book is fantastic!

  15. I just posted a huge blog post but for some reason it did not show up. It was about my experience of trying to find a specific stamp that I have been searching for. I finally found out who created the stamp on a video that Carolyn Dube made. And then today I got Seth Apter's list of favorite blogs and there you were, telling me that I can FINALLY get the stamp sheet of women at your etsy store And congratulations on your goose bump experience at Joann's. I just had one here on your blog. Is there a way to subscribe to your blog via email? I don't do social media. I'm doing a happy dance!

  16. Who doesn't want to dance!
    Happy feet=Happy Heart!

  17. I love doing happy dances and I know well the thrill of seeing something you've done up for sale - congrats!

  18. Happy Dancing all around! WOW! What a great feeling that must have been for you! I get happy thinking about it!
    I came here by way of Seth Apter, and I'm really glad he sent us forth! Your new book looks awesome!
    congrats to you on all levels Kari!!

  19. How exciting to see your own work for sale in a big box retailer! I am hoping to have some work published soon but it hasn't come out. Congratulations!
    Aloha, Kate

  20. Just saw your stamps on your etsy site-amazzzzing! So beautiful it will take me a bit to choose one (or two!)

  21. Hi, I have your Wild Women and Happy Birds stamps. I love love love both of them and use them quite often. Believe me, these are sets that get forgotten, but see plenty of action in my journal. I would love to win another stamp or one of your videos. Thanks.

  22. Loved your workshop at GAS! Just getting started in this art journal, mixed media style -- always been a late bloomer. Thanks for the free gift offers!

  23. Thanks to Seth Apter for your link! I'm a first-time visitor and so happy to have found your blog and your stamp store. I'd love to happy dance with you!
