The 411

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye and Good Riddance 2013

Happy New Year my friends!  

This year has been wonderful and trying, as all life is.  I had wonderful adventures with my art friends all over, and a smashing good time with Jen Crossley as she visited early this year and again later this fall.  My Video "Backgrounds to Bindings" with Cloth Paper Scissors was released, as well as several pieces of my art in various magazines.  Getting to spend time with friends Dusty DeHaven, Kristen Robinson, Ruth Rae, Jen Cushman and Elena Etcheverry, Pam Carriker, MaryBeth Shaw, JoAnne Sharpe, Stephanie Rubiano and others truly was a blessing! Spending time with cousins Wendy Richards and Laura Miller has also been a treat!  

Teaching in France and vending at the Columbus Ohio and Atlanta Georgia Country Living Fairs have blew me away- made all the more special by spending extra time with friends Shelly Grim, Christy Grant, Shari Replogle and Paula Marquis.

The serious health issues plaguing me the end of this year has made me anxious for the new year to begin all fresh and new!  Some great things to look forward to- another visit from my bestie from down under-Jen Crossley--guaranteed good times!  New venues to teach for! Working on my own book!  Several Art Faires to vend and enjoy.  And organization!  I am looking forward to organization.  

2013 had me traversing the nation, and indeed the continents teaching.  I was home less than 3 months, and therefore my house and studio has taken an incredible hit organizationally!  I have made a plan to conquer this in 2014.  I am planning to use this blog as an accountability record both artistically and organizationally.

I have chosen a guide word to help me through 2014.  That word is:

Reduce ~ Reduce ~ Reduce
I'm thinking about so many areas of life!  Reducing my art stash.  As an instructor, I tend to collect in multiples for students.  This year I will be purging my stash (hint hint- might be a good year to take classes with me!)  Reducing my art stash will reduce clutter in my home and studio.

Reducing what I spend on art supplies.  This one will be tough.  It is not unusual for me to spend over 300$ a month on art supplies.  This year I am challenging myself to spend no more than 30$ a month (except for workshop supplies.)  I feel it will help challenge me to use what I have in different ways.  It will force me to become more creative.  (Plus it will help reduce the stash!)  As a bonus, I am going to try and spend 0$ on art supplies for the first 3 months of the year.

Reducing my to-do list.  Whether that means re-evaluating or actually finishing some of these things, it will happen.

Reducing the more than 400 emails a day that get backed up in my email folder.  Unsubscribe will be my friend.  Mass newsletters that answer the same questions, and other means of consolidating to help me not dread turning on the computer.

Reducing the time spent away from home- which will probably also help reducing my to-do list!

If all this can come together, I am hoping my health issues will reduce!

Anyway, I will be holding myself accountable and posting successes and failures alike here if you want to journey along with me in 2014.

(This is the ugly effect of being away from home more than 9 months of the year!  Studio stash out of control!- but I have a plan!)


  1. Kari, I hope the reducing means that you will reduce the medical maladies that have hit in recent weeks and that you are feeling much, much better. It's a terrific goal -- if I hadn't chosen my word of the year to be NOW, that would be a fine candidate (although part of my now relates to doing much you highlighted!)

    May you and Mike enjoy a wonderful 2014 -- more time together, lots of creative juice and good travels. I will look forward to your next visit to Michigan (or maybe Artiscape, if I end up there!)

    HAPPY new year!

  2. Just discovered You today ! Your Backgrounds to Bindings video is just fantastic. I hope to meet you in class this year. I am in Kentucky but have a friend in Memphis so, may be there in April. I hope the health issues you are having will be resolved really quick and that 2014 will turn out to be your best year yet.

  3. Hope your health issues disappear in 2014. You chose a good word! How exciting that you have so many great things coming - new venues sounds exciting, writing a book is very impressive, and I'm sure the Art Fairs will be fun and profitable. Take care of yourself and enjoy the good things.

  4. Wow...I would love to have a life like yours teaching crafts.
    And...Yay! Someone whose studio looks a lot like mine...boxes to sort through. It's a slow process but I feel so good when I can donate to a second-hand store and know that someone will enjoy the treasures of what are now my previous crafting pastimes. I have even had some giveaways on my blog with vintage lace, vintage fabric, and buttons in the color choice of the winners!
    Have a good NEW year, and may your health begin to be good.

    Relax...and don't forget to smell the 'coffee' along life's road. I'm allergic to roses!

    Teresa in California
