The 411

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Create CA

Hi gang! Just back from CREATE California, and doing a turn and burn right back to Las Vegas for Art & Soul.  Create was wonderful, and my students were awesome!  They were so open to trying new things, and they plunged right in working and creating wonderful art!  It was so wonderful to meet each one of them in person. 
Pam Carriker and I roomed together again, and we had such a great time trying out each others methods!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE her Mixed Media Adhesive, and will never leave home without it again!  You get all the strength of matte medium, but it has a bit of a ground in it, so instead of the slick plastic-y feel of straight matte medium, you get a lovely toothy surface that you can write on with pencil, pastels and paint with watercolors!  I've always been a huge fan of the liquid pencil, but now that it comes in a squeeze bottle!!! Wow- over the top.  I've been putting mine in squeeze bottles for years and being able to forgo this messy step is heaven!

I have to tell you I have been art stalking Joanne Sharpe for years, admiring her work.  I got to meet her!  OOOH pinch me!  Jen Cushman, Ruth Rae, Kristen Robinson, Jacqueline Newbold, Jeannie Palmer Moore, Most of the CPS gals, and OOOh I'm sure I'm leaving someone out...I had a whirlwind of a fabulous time!

So if you would like to experience some of this wonderful-ness for yourself, come play with me in Las Vegas this week at ART & SOUL!  These wonderful art retreats can change you life!!!


  1. Glad you're having such a great time (I would be worn out with your schedule). Have fun in Las Vegas.

  2. Its hard to keep track of you! hope you are having fun too!

  3. Is the adhersive available for sale right now? Looks very cool.

  4. Wow, you are a busy bee! So wish I could tag along.. we'll have to catch up in Chicago.

    BOOHOO, the MM adhesive is sold out right now!

  5. Just in contact with Pam, and it should be restocked any day now!

  6. Just in contact with Pam, and it should be restocked any day now!

  7. Just in contact with Pam, and it should be restocked any day now!

  8. Just in contact with Pam, and it should be restocked any day now!

  9. Just in contact with Pam, and it should be restocked any day now!
