The 411

Friday, December 2, 2011

It's the Merry Christmas Season!

I've been busy busy busy on the road, off again, on the road and off again! (Thank goodness Mike is here to hold down the fort! I certainly couldn't do it without him!) SO much to tell! More classes, more long term projects and more stamp designs! I couldn't be happier! All arty goodness!

One of the most recent trips was a great time visiting my In-laws, then over to Chattanooga to teach 2 fun workshops at Townsend Atelier. They were so much fun, the artists who gathered were all in fine form open to any ideas I pitched out to them! They jumped in with enthusiasm and great talent, each making the projects with their very own artistic voice! I'll be back April 28, and 29, 2012 for 2 more workshops!

I had only a day or two and then taught 2 Holiday Journals classes in my hometown. Wonderful to have an opportunity to teach close to home again. If you are going to be in Grove City, Ohio please pop in to Red Letter Journals and check out one of my classes. I'll be teaching a valentines class on Jan 28th and again Feb 11th!

Right after Thanksgiving, Mike had to have spinal surgery, and we've been down for the count ever since. He's doing better, but they had real difficulty reviving him after surgery, and was on 2 different breathing machines. Scary times. But the Lord was good to us, and he is getting stronger every day. It is round the clock care right now, but in 4 weeks, he should be at least able to leave the house and go for a short ride in the car. I've been so busy taking care of him, we haven't even had time to open all our Christmas presents yet!

My wonderful In Laws came up from TN to help me take care of him for a week, so I can rest, and get some much needed paperwork done, and get some art work done! They came New Years Eve, and God Bless her heart, my MIL took down all my holiday decorations for me, while my FIL watched over Mike. She's also doing all the cooking for a week to give me more time!

So I've been in the studio for 2 days finishing projects and turning in proposals, and packing kits for upcoming classes!

My heart has been with all our you and hoping everyone was having a wonderful season, and the start of a lovely and promising new year! I wish you all, health, peace, love, art, and sparkles!


  1. Yes Mam ... I love this book and what you put on the cover ...

  2. Glad to hear that Mike is doing well and that all your hard work is paying off. Happy New Year.

  3. You certainly had a lot on your plate over the holidays. I hope you and Mike have a great and healthy 2012.
