The 411

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ready for Portland Art & Soul

I've been in the throes of getting ready for Portland Art & Soul next week. That means, house is neglected, studio is trashed from rushing about and packing kits and goodies, friends haven't been seen as I've been swamped. Last night, after 2 solid and FULL weeks of writing proposals and creating new art, I decided at 10:30 to come downstairs and join hubby for a few minutes of mindless tv and relaxing together. I have been checking and rechecking lists day and night, and was a little stressed and tense. I needed to unwind. I barely sit down on a comfy spot on the sofa when I catch something out of the corner of my eye. I ignore it, thinking it was reflections of light or something. A few seconds later a much more obvious movement. Mike and I look at each other in that split second before I jump up screaming BAT!!!!! I ran to the bedroom and slammed the door. (It was every girl for herself at this point!) Mike said so very calmly- honey, just calm down a minute, and I will get it...Calm down you say? Calm down? A disease ridden, flying vermin is in MY comfy home, where I stretch out and relax, and you say calm down???

EEEEEWWW! I can deal with them in the barn- that's THEIR home, and they eat the mosquitoes. I can't deal with them in my family room, when I'm comfy and tucked in my jammies for the night! It seemed like forever- (the 1 disadvantage to having a 2 story open floor plan) but Mike cornered the critter with a blanket in all places- MY STUDIO!!! My safe haven, my sanctuary where I spend all hours of day and night ALONE. Holy Bat-Crap did that ever creep me out! But Mike- calm as ever just opened the window and let it out... I didn't come back upstairs the rest of the night, waited for daylight-I think where you see 1 bat- there is bound to be another! How in the WORLD did it get in? Mike had been cleaning out the barn, and had opened up both of the top floor haymow's to let light in. I guess one (I hope just 1) of the little creepies decided what's good for Mike is good for him. So did he fly in the door? Did he hitch a ride on Mike's clothes? EEEK it wigs me out to think about it!

I'm calm now, and back at last minute tasks getting ready for Art & Soul. Teaching 3 classes there- A Fluid Romance, Green Art Goodness, and the Happy Bird Sings clay covered journals! Still plenty of time to sign up and join me~ there are still a few open spots in the classes!

1 comment:

  1. First, your students are lucky to be in your classes.. Sounds like you go all out.. that's nice. Second.. that bat would creep me out. One time, I was driving home at night and one flew in my car.. we live in a woodsy area. Talk about not trying to get in an accident. Geeze Louise.
