The 411

Friday, February 4, 2011

Cloth Paper Scissors Studios

I have been a travellin' madwoman lately! I have been away from home LITERALLY for the last month and a half! Over a month in Mexico, then a couple weeks in TN for family visits, and 4 workshops. (more on them later!) Got home last night, and am crazily beginning to dig out from avalanches of mail, emails, dirty clothes, no groceries... What did I find? A fantastic email! Whoo-Hoo! So excited to be in Cloth Paper Scissors Studios Magazine! And in the copy with Ty Pennington on the cover no less! Tickled doesn't begin to describe it!

If you would like a peek into my studio space, check out the Spring 2011 issue! Or, better yet, shoot me an email and we'll set up a workshop for you and your friends IN the studio!


  1. Major congratulations for being published AGAIN!! I am thrilled for you! Can't wait to get this issue! I know you're exhausted after the whirlwind and it probably won't be easing up anytime soon. Just stay healthy doing all of the things that you've always wanted to do!! Sending love and blessings!

  2. Well deserved congratulations! I will have to check this out - although, I know the photos won't do justice to your beautiful studio.

  3. I'm so proud of you cuz! You have worked so hard for so long. I'm so happy to see it pay off for you.

