The 411

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Treasures of the weekend!

As we travel, Mike and I try to get out and stretch our legs every couple of hours or so. When we can, we try to follow signs to antique malls right off the main highway. We found two today during our 7 hour car ride. I have an upcoming "Steampunk"collaborative round-robin coming up, and I was looking for some cool pieces that might serve as a possible base for my piece. I think I hit pay dirt!

Here are a few of the things we found today...

Cool sewing machine parts Mike found...

My treasures!

This thing was used to attach flags to bicycle spokes.

Love my dolly- love it even more that it was on sale! 50% off!

This seems to have been some sort of scale...

Have NO idea, but it's sooo cool! Mike discovered it, and also
found that the glass thingy comes off! He thinks it might be to bleed air or oil out of lines...
If anyone is in Barnesville Ohio, it is chock full of antique stores. We only had 1/2 an hour before closing time, and found almost all the above treasures (except the doilies and bike thing) at the Barnesville Antique Mall. It is 3 floors of goodies, and we only had time for 2!


  1. You have such a good eye for finding treasures!

  2. Mike has a keen eye for lots of really neat stuff....very handy that man
    you and Mike are going to have to come over to Springfield one of these days and we can do the huge one off of 70.
    You got fantastic items! Makes the trip worthwhile!

  3. Wow that is super great stuff!! I think Ohio rocks the antique market :)
    been there, done that, came home with a car totally full :)

  4. what wonderful finds! i would love to go antiquing sometime!

  5. What great treasures you found Kari!! Can't wait to see what you come up with :-)
