The 411

Friday, November 27, 2009

All things Holiday

I love Holiday traditions! I love all things kitchy when it comes to the Winter holiday season in particular! I love Christmas cards, Christmas cookies, Christmas carols and Christmas ornaments. I love Christmas TV specials! Even when we have no little one with us, I must confess to watching Rudolf, Frosty and all the oldies but goodies! I love all the silliness, all the good will and all the overdone lights and decorations! I love family gathering round and playing games for hours on end! I love spending special nights out with dear friends!

Mostly, I keep deep in my heart the true meaning of Christmas, and the awesome gift given to mankind. (Luke, Chapter 2 NIV) I believe it's because I have this gift in my heart that I am so fully able to enjoy the rest of the over-done, over- commercialized and done-to-death holiday season! I invite all to jump in to the melee with me head on! Not only am I planning to partake in ALL the old holiday traditions, this year, I'm planning to start 1 or 2 more of my own!!!
In that spirit, I offer this light-hearted link to a most relaxing holiday web-site! It's "Make-A-Flake" and I could play there for hours if I wasn't so busy!

All of the flakes you see here, I easily created there in a few Bliss-filled, stress-free minutes, reliving childhood wonder of the season and all it's glory!

1 comment:

  1. What fun! And, I think it's wonderful that you are so enthusiastic about all the holiday traditions, habits and adventures.
