The 411

Saturday, October 17, 2009

New ATC, new journal pages

Many of you know I've been sort of under the weather the last couple months, and have been very weak. I've tried to continue to work on art journal projects as I have the energy. I've been having to "work close" meaning I couldn't do projects that required lots of time on the computer or dealing with many different types of tools and materials. I actually think it's been good for me, as it's sort of forced me to revisit the basics once again. Sometimes I get so caught up in "new" products, I forget how much fun pens and pencils can be. I had sort of shelved all you can do with colored pencils or a simple set of watercolors. I feel like I'm reestablishing some basic skills.

With my job as an architectural photographer and graphic designer, precision is a highly required necessity. Sometimes, it inhibits my personal art, as I really adore whimsy. I like folksy, childlike fantasy characters that are free and fluid and sketchy. Many times I find it very difficult to let go and let flow. I'm trying to find that place in my art again. I think this time of being down will really help as I begin bigger projects again. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy some of the recent "basics" I've been playing with again.

A dragon inspired ATC


  1. Your work always amazes me. I love it.

  2. More than making lemonade out of lemons, you're making cool art!

  3. Kari----Your journal pages look wonderful! Hope things are going well and that you get a chance to warm up in Mexico this winter!
