The 411

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Sisters of the Secret Fatbook Society's 1st Annual Fall FĂȘte


On Saturday, we held the 1st annual Fall FĂȘte for the Sisters of the Secret Fatbook Society.

Hot spiced cider for all!

Although flu and family crisis' kept the numbers small, the day was a ripping success!


Upon arrival, there was my Mom's secret recipe of hot spiced cider, homemade zucchini bread and other yummies for snacking.

Jacky seems to like the cider!

Jacky from the Akron area was the 1st to arrive. Shortly after, Susan from New York showed up and we got started. We each completed several projects and learned new techniques and old tricks of the trade.

Busy Bees!

First we made feather-light frames, utilizing pretty printed paper napkins as a starting point. plexiglass, ribbons and embellishments rounded them out nicely.

Jacky busily choosing embellishments for her frame.

We broke for lunch to a meal of spring mixed greens, scalloped pineapple, orphans rice and chicken and stuffing. A homemade apple tart and yummy pumpkin cake was available for dessert.

The table all ready for lunch.

After lunch, Jacky showed us how to make adorable domino pins with alcohol ink. Much fun was had playing with the possibilities! We were having so much fun making pins we almost forgot to eat dinner!

Working away on a project.

Supper was homemade turkey chili, Mike's Famous homemade coleslaw and yummy pumpkin pie. (We decided to forgo the campfire s'mores as it was cold and rainy) ((I should thank my mom, Shirley here, as she made all the superb desserts for us. (She did win the NATIONAL Crisco pie award years back)- Thanks Mom!))

Susan gives a quick smile in between projects.

Back to the studio to finish metallic lightweight frames, and swap art goodies. By the time the day ended we were all tired and all excited about the new friendships forged as well as art made.

Goodie bags waiting to go home!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

New ATC, new journal pages

Many of you know I've been sort of under the weather the last couple months, and have been very weak. I've tried to continue to work on art journal projects as I have the energy. I've been having to "work close" meaning I couldn't do projects that required lots of time on the computer or dealing with many different types of tools and materials. I actually think it's been good for me, as it's sort of forced me to revisit the basics once again. Sometimes I get so caught up in "new" products, I forget how much fun pens and pencils can be. I had sort of shelved all you can do with colored pencils or a simple set of watercolors. I feel like I'm reestablishing some basic skills.

With my job as an architectural photographer and graphic designer, precision is a highly required necessity. Sometimes, it inhibits my personal art, as I really adore whimsy. I like folksy, childlike fantasy characters that are free and fluid and sketchy. Many times I find it very difficult to let go and let flow. I'm trying to find that place in my art again. I think this time of being down will really help as I begin bigger projects again. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy some of the recent "basics" I've been playing with again.

A dragon inspired ATC

Saturday, October 10, 2009

True to Form Gallery Show

True To Form Art Exhibit

A nice crowd minutes after the doors opened!

Just a few of the beautiful forms to tempt you!

On Saturday Oct 3, Mike and I spent a very pleasant evening at a wonderful gallery opening. The show "True to Form" is currently on display until Jan 23 at the Columbus Center for the Paper & Book Arts Gallery. It is a fantastic collection of local mixed media artists who used 3D paper mache' torsos as their canvas- each with a very different feel. With 25 artists participating, there is something for everyone's taste. (There is even an electric blinking piece!) The very best part of this show is that it is dual purposed. Besides showcasing the mixed media genre to the community, it also is a silent auction (bidding open till Dec 5) which supports Breast Cancer Research. Proceeds will go to The Columbus Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

I invite you to go visit this wonderful show, and spread the word. I think it would be a fabulous place to buy a piece of art in honor of a Mother, Grandmother, Sister, Daughter, Aunt, Cousin, see where I'm going with this... (October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.)

The Gallery is housed in the Carriage House (rear) of 539 East Town Street, Columbus Ohio. An Added bonus is that the fabulous artist's studio shop European Papers is on the second floor of this gallery. It may be small in size, but it's mighty in all the beautiful and interesting things to look at and buy. Bring your art thirsty soul, and be prepared to find more than your vehicle can hold! Open Wed-Sat from 11-4. Call 614-316-3948 for questions, or visit

Local Artist Amy Flowers piece "1 in 4." Visit Amy at

My own piece "Maid of the Mist" in the installation.