The 411

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

I've been down with that awful stomach virus that is going around in the area. Can't really get far from the house to get anything done, and so I've been busy working at the house online. Besides trying to get caught up for work, I've also been busy busy busy creating my booklets for the classes I'm teaching at Artiscape in April. It's funny how my hands can fly and do something so much faster than the time it takes to write it down so it makes sense to someone else step-by step. I am having fun with them, enjoying the process.

As the time grows near, I'm getting very excited about Artiscape this year, as it will be the first year it's here in Columbus. I've gotten my teaching packet, and with a big sigh of relief I found that my classes are nicely filling up, with only a few spaces left in each. Shew! I've got tons of piles of delicious stuff in my studio that will be going into the class kits. And it's an all time record for the Annual Artiscape fatbook I am hostessing-42 copies!!! That's alot of covers and punching and binding! Thank goodness for Mike helping me!

Before I came down with the virus I was able to get my charms done (over 100) for the swaps and trading that's one major project completed. (Sorry for the poor picture- I just didn't have the energy to get the big camera out- so the cell phone was handy.) It's tough to photograph those little glass bubbles, the light plays havoc with them, but they are really cute in real life-both the front and the back are decorated.

1 comment:

  1. I sure hope you're feeling better soon. I'm not surprised to hear you're working while laid low by a virus. Your charms look like wonderful trades. I know you're preparing very well for your classes; lucky students!

