The 411

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Rough Patch

Sorry to have dissapeared, but life ate my family whole. Within the last 3 weeks, I've had all 3 grandparents fall and have to go by squad and be hospitalized (Grandpa twice, now being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.) They have needed extensive support resulting in many full days and nights with them. I've had my cousin and her family from CA stay with us for a week, I've had a serious accident, and suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns on my hand and arm- resulting in a trip to the Urgent care and several Drs. Oh, and the kicker was our 3 year old water heater had to be totally replaced. During this period, my parents were out of town, my Dad was in the jungles of Central America on a mission trip, almost unreachable. He struggled for 3 days to get home with the snowstorms. Oh- did I mention the 22 inch snowfall and blizzard? 2 stuck 4 wheel drives later...
In the midst of all of this rough patch, I have clung to hope. I have had bright patches. Supportive friends and extended family, Wonderful artists who have volunteered their time to finish swaps for me, a friend who cleared our 1/4 mile long drive after the blizzard, a hairdresser who worked me in since I can't do my own hair with my hand being so bad.

I pulled out these pictures that Mike and I took in January as we played on the beach, and they makes me smile-despite the snow piled high outside.


  1. The beach is an excellent refuge from this winter - even if it's only memories of the beach. The snow is starting to melt in Michigan; I hope it is in Ohio, too. Healing thoughts and prayers to you and your family.


  2. Kari, here's hoping things are starting to turn around for you. Hey, at least those 20 inches are gone, eh? grin Hard to believe that was only a little over a week ago.
