The 411

Friday, January 4, 2008

Gratitude Challenge results so far...

Wow! I can't believe the things that have been happening as a result of the challenge so far... I have been getting phone calls and e-mails, and even a letter already from people who are taking the challenge, and who are enjoying it so far! Most are saying that they were at a "down" point in their life and are willing to make a change, and like the idea of having a camaraderie with others in the same boat. Some, like Christy, already make it a life habit, and like the idea of a more formal version of what they already do. Some are just experimenting. Whatever the reason you've popped in, welcome! Drop me a line! I'd love to link ya' so we can all be encouraged. Whether it's online, on scraps of paper, or in a formal journal, if you'd like to share, we'd like to, read. If it's too personal, that's fine too. Each of us are charting our own course. I just find it fun to bump into people along the path...

People have been asking what my journal looks like. Well- it's nothing special art-wise. It's the equivalent to doodling for me. (I am also challenging myself to use what I've already got laying around, not to buy anything new for this particular book, as I want to show gratitude for what I've already got...) I spent a couple hours just doing every page in a sort of carefree background, so the pages are not blank when I turn to them each day. (That free art-play was in and of itself enjoyable and relaxing-already increasing my happiness!) Then when I think of what I want to write about, I rummage around in my stash for a few minutes- again, extremely enjoyable, and put it in an envelope. Later that night while relaxing with the hubby-enjoyable, I put it all together. Happiness, and relaxation abounds!

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