The 411

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Pay it Forward

Pay It Forward
Belinda, Dawn, and a number of other talented ladies have posted this on their site recently. Now it is my turn! I will send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment on my blog requesting to join this PIF (Pay it forward) exchange. The only thing you have to do in return is to pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog, and follow thru. So basically, if you’re one of the first 3 comments, I’ll send you something crafty that I’ll make! Once you sign up, I'll e-mail you for your address. Then you copy and paste the above paragraph on your blog, and three other lucky people will be recipients of your handmade work. I will send the giftees, and then post a photo here on my blog.


  1. oooh, me me me! I am up for another round :) And I think your elves need to be put in a time out...panty raid, indeed! *grin*

  2. Your'e the first on my blog Dawn! I'll check to see if I have your addy from the Secret Sisters group-if not I'll e-mail ya! Thanks for playing! And wait till you hear what the rascally elves did this week!

  3. were you at easton new balance store the other day?
