The 411

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Background preparations for the coming year

I've felt the need to create more. Not neccesarily create more finished "products"-I do that all day long at work. I mean CREATE MORE... just for the sake of creating, for relaxing, for clearing my brain of all the backlog of stubs of ideas and thoughts that have never come to realization. To let it go, so it can fly out and grab creative molecules and fresh air and hopefully return to me fully charged and ready to go. So I've decided to create a workbook for myself of backgrounds. Just backgrounds. Several pages a week, until New Years Eve. Then on January 1st 2008, I will have a brand new workbook, ready to capture the imagination. And, I will not have to face the dreaded blank page block! There will be color and energy and motion that will be able to spark the fire. These backgrounds right now will serve to challenge me in a non threating way. I can use color combos I would never choose if I were working toward a "finished" piece. I can use tools that are haphazard and not "real artist" tools. I can be messy, not worrying about how this will affect the finished piece. I can be me, in all my glittery, painty, sticky glory.

1 comment:

  1. Kari, what a great idea! And this one here looks an awful lot like one you did in Karen's class at Artiscape this year, hmmm?! I need to throw a bunch of "starter backgrounds" into my art journal...I hate that blank page!

    And thank you so much for your kind words. Stuff like that means more than you'll ever know. Maybe someday we could hook up for a "play date". Keep up the great work, I love popping in to see what you are up to.
