The 411

Monday, January 9, 2017

Game Night

Image result for cardsIn keeping with the whole "don't wait- do it now" theme, some friends and Mike and I have committed to spending one night a month getting together for a home-cooked meal and games.  When Mike and I built our home, we had in mind dreams of entertaining and hosting friends and family.  We are thrilled to have it happen more often, starting this Friday.  Thought it would be fun to share a recipe each month with all of you, who I hope are finding more time to spend with your family and loved ones.

I am in the midst of menu planning for the kick-off!  So far, I am thinking:

Deep Fried Tortellini
Tomatoes Provençal                      

Main Course
Italian Salad
Steamed Broccoli
Chicken Parmesan
Garlic Bread

Cheesecake Truffles

We received an Amazon Echo Dot for Christmas, and I can't tell you how much I looooove it!  I just read out the ingredients needed and tell Alexa (the dot) to add it to my grocery list!  She does, and then she sends the list to my cell phone so I have it with me at the grocery.  I also have a to- do list for making the dinner, and she will set all the timers for me.  She even has dinner music to play that night!  I am so happy about this new little hockey puck that sits on my kitchen counter!

Here is my version of Tomatoes Provençal (keep in mind I don't have an nth of Italian or French ancestry!)

I like these as little bite sized flavor pops.  Instead of the traditional plum or larger tomatoes, I like to use cherry tomatoes. 

Mix the following 4 ingredients:

2 teaspoons chopped fresh parsley
1 clove garlic , minced
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground lemon pepper

24 cherry tomatoes , halved

1/4 cup coarse fresh breadcrumbs
2 tablespoons olive oil 

Preheat oven to 350°. In a small bowl, combine parsley, garlic, salt, and pepper.

Place tomatoes, cut side up, in a large baking dish; sprinkle tops evenly with parsley mixture. Sprinkle bread crumbs over tomatoes; drizzle with oil.

Bake tomatoes until tender, about 18-20 minutes. Increase oven temperature to broil. Broil tomatoes, 4 inches from heat, until topping is golden and crisp, 1 to 2 minutes. 

I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, January 1, 2017


Happy New Year!

Last year, I spent quite a bit of time soul searching, and re-focusing exactly where I want to go in my art life.

I have made up a word that I will use to guide me this year-  "Doosit"  Do/Use It.

The last two years have been quite difficult for me, at times I wasn't sure I would make it.  But good friends,  precious family and loved ones helped pull me through.  They also helped me to see about myself that I had been so battered down for the last couple years, that I allowed fear to take control of me.  The fear of being imperfect, and if I wasn't perfect, what people would say, or who I would let down.  So fearful that I found myself not doing things until I could get everything just perfect.  

Now as an instructor, I see this all the time in my students, where they are afraid to take the next step with their paintings.  My training and education give me the confidence of how to help them, because I know what will happen when they move forward.  But in my life, I don't have a vast amount of knowledge about the future, so I was hesitant.  I have many many things I am working on, but always there was something just not right, and many times it was blocking my path.  I was questioning myself so, that I didn't trust my instincts, and rather than attempt something and fail, and possibly end up in a worse position, I was hesitating. So no more!!!  No more saving a project for a better time, no more saving an idea for a more relevant project.

I have found that my PASSION lies with sharing art with others.  So more teaching is definitely in the future.  I also have realized that yes- I enjoy doing the art videos, and financially they are important, but I LOVE teaching in person.  While I will travel to some of my very favorite places to teach this year, I am also taking a very big step.  I will be opening my studio to the public this year and teaching monthly workshops here.  I will be able to offer wonderfully affordable workshops, as my travel, shipping and time costs will be eliminated!  As an added benefit, I will be using all the supplies that are stored up, taking space in the studio, waiting for a future workshops.  I am no longer waiting for venues, students who come to my workshops will find the supplies waiting for them here!  I will get to take back some of my storage space!  I know it will be fun and successful, because just making the decision made my heart feel lighter!    In truth, this is not a New Years resolution, as I made these decisions a while ago.  It just seemed like the perfect time to announce a fresh new direction.

On the Workshops tab above, you will be able to find my current schedule for 2017.  I am adding to it all the time.  If you would like a private workshop for yourself and friends, please send me an email.  I have more than 60 workshops developed in various different media fields, and would love to share them with you.  

Saturday January 28, Kari's Studio  Orient, Ohio
Mixed Media "Valentine Canvas Workshop"
ALL Supplies included!
10 am- 3 pm  Delicious homemade lunch included!

Tuesday February 7, Kari's Studio  Orient, Ohio
Mixed Media "Heart Bubble Wand/Plant Pick workshop"

Saturday March 4, Kari's Studio  Orient, Ohio
Mixed Media "Bunny Bottles workshop"

Shoot me an email at to reserve your place in the workshops at my studio.  They will be kept small and more intimate, for a boutique level quality experience.  Oh- and did I mention, a healthy, delicious, homemade luncheon to rival any top shelf tea room will be included in the price of any day workshops?  More details, descriptions and hours coming soon!


I'm REALLY EXCITED to visit EPHEMERA in Paducah KY in March!  
Just the thing to bust cabin fever! Won't you come join me in all the fun?

Friday March 17,   Ephemera   Paducah, KY
Mixed Media "Happy Bird Sings Journal"

Saturday March 18,  Ephemera   Paducah, KY
Mixed Media "Animal Crackles Paintings"

Sunday March 19,   Ephemera  Paducah, KY
Mixed Media "LetterPalooza"