The 411

Saturday, February 22, 2014

I Wish I was in Dixie...Hooray, Hooray!

Hello all my fantastically chilled-to-the-bone friends! I've got some warm and wonderful news- and an opportunity to plan for some warm fun! I'm so excited to be teaching in Dixie - Art Is You style!!!

If you ever wondered what the Ar...t IS YOU movement is all about- Now is your chance! We really want to spread the word about the magic that is Art is You - Mixed Media Art Retreats! Art-Is You Art Retreats is generously offering a very nice coupon for a short time:

Here's the deets:

Run over to and register for one of MY classes and use the EVENT Code: KARI - to receive $60 discount off of your registration!!! The Event Code is entered on page two of the registration forms and this is good for Dixie only. This code is limited to the first 12 people so don't miss out! First come, First Served!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Crazy Schedules

Okay, so I know I said I was going to reduce.  And I meant it.  I DID manage to reduce what I spent on art supplies for the month of January- so that is something!  And I DID reduce the amount of food in my deep freezer- using up what I had took some creative menu planning!  I also tore through a stash of older bits and chunks of polymer clay I had in various baggies around the studio, and created tons of clay babies.

My friend Nate had come on the 22nd of December and I took him for surgery on the 23.  Christmas, A serious eye problem, Shingles, Bronchitis and a promotion and new position for Mike ate up almost all of January!  (I also reduced my stress level by embracing letting things that are not critical go. ie: I still have my Christmas tree up!)  So all told, to get as much done as I did, I'm giving myself a B.

But I think I get a D in reducing my crazy schedule!  But I love what I do so much!!!

First off, I'm beside myself with glee, my best Aussie bud Jen Crossley is coming to stay tomorrow!  Woot Woot!  So begins another epic Bugle adventure!

We can't wait, because almost as soon as she gets here we are headed up north to our beloved  Smitten Dust to see our friend Dusty in Dimondale, Michigan!  3 days and nights of teaching there will only whet our appetites!  This place is so charming we always get a bit weepy to leave:)  We always feel a bit like Alice down the rabbit hole there- magic, charming friends and good munchies abound! We can't wait to hang with our pals on the moustache brigade!

Here is a sneak peek at the Pocket Fribbles we will be creating in my class at Smitten Dust!

Lucky gals that we are, we will also mosey down the road a piece to see our friend Susan Pickering Rothamel's brand new digs at USArtQuest and Art Papers Online!  We are so honored to teach there, in the brand new space- we can't wait to see it!  A snowstorm in November prevented me from visiting earlier, or I would have seriously cut into my Christmas budget once I get in the same room with those beautiful papers!  How good does this place have to be that I am willing to go NORTH in the middle of the coldest winter this area has had in 30 years???

At USArtQuest I'll be teaching my Delectable Doodles class, and also my Moodling class- two of my all-time favorites!  Plus will all the delicious USArtQuest products to choose from, we may just even go a little further into crazy product play!

Barely home from the Arctic tundra up north, we turn right around and teach at Artiscape in Dublin Ohio! I'm a 10 year veteran, and Jen teaches there for the first time.  She went with me last year, and so she KNOWS how good it is!  So many of our friends teach there- it's such a lovely event!

You'll find me teaching 3 classes- Gelli Print Joy,

Floral Fling paintings,

and Power Word Decks:)

Some time before Jen heads back down under, we also have to fit in a private workshop- good thing she'll be back again in the fall:)  I think 30 days is not enough!

Then WHOOSH- February will be reduced to days gone by!  I mean REALLY!  How can it possibly be the second week of February already?