The 411

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas!

I love this time of the year!  I want to make sure I love it for the right reasons, so I've been keeping a journal of the cool Christmas quotes I find over the years.  Adding one a day assures I'll always keep the reason for the season centered in my heart, no matter the hustle and bustle.  Here's a peek of some of my favorites.  You can see a few more pages over on Sketchbook Challenge.

I feel great love and happiness and wish you all the Merriest of Christmases, and Happiest of New Years!  May you spend it in the loving embrace of family and friends!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Last minute push!

It's all out pandemonium for the Holbrook household!  Deadlines to be met, projects to be finished and photographed, proposals to be written, a house to be cleaned, bills to be paid and TONS of catching up on paperwork and advertising details!  PLUS, it's an all out push to finish up the details of my Workshop in France next year!  (Details coming soon I PROMISE!  I had to wait for some info back from the travel agent, and some from the dept of tourisim!)

It seems a bit overwhelming, and I LOVE the holiday season. This year, all my deadlines converged on me for the months of November and December! 

So in advance, to those wonderful friends out there waiting to hear from me, January is coming.  I hope to have things well in hand by then and will be calling for get togethers and catch up visits!  I will barely have time to stop and smell the Christmas smells until then.

I can only give sneak peeks, but here are just a few of the multitude of projects I've finished and submitted!  Next year promises to be an exciting one- filled with Love, Joy and ART!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12/12/12 Once in a Lifetime

Today is a special day!  Over on Sketchbook Challenge, the hosts are showing art collections that we have on our desks today.  Mine is Sculpey's Premo! Polymer Clay-  I'm in a super clay mood these days!  So since it's such a special once in a lifetime kind of day today-  I intend to live it as a special one anyway!  My plan is to eek every viable minute making art today.  My favorite thing to do- so why not indulge on such a special occasion.  I purposefully took care of all my errands today, so I can get up and indulge in a special cup of Organic Chai Vanilla Rooibus tea, and head straight to my art.  I'm all set up and ready to go.  I have several last minute deadlines I must meet, but I am enjoying them.  12/12/12 will be an all polymer clay day!  Project prototypes, Christmas gifts, class samples and about 9 other things to be accomplished.  I'm aiming for 12- a nice even dozen to cross off my list!  So if you don't hear from me, I'm neck deep in art.  If you drop by to visit, be warned.  I do NOT plan on answering the door, but if you do get in, I don't plan to waste time cooking- leftovers it will be!  Nor getting dressed up. 12/12/12 is a day for ME, arting in PJ's ALL DAY.