The 411

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Industrial Chic Blog Hop Part 2

Vintage Vessels meet Industrial Chic

A couple months ago, I received a wonderful box filled full of the most awesome goodies from the new Industrial Chic Line!  I loved them so much, I almost immediately hopped in the car and headed to my local Michael's to see the rest of the line!   Wow!  Talk about kid in the candy store!  Even with the stash at home, I still had my little basket filled in a blink of an eye with  all sorts of the delightful thing-a-ma-bobs! I have lots of projects in store for these little lovelies!

                              industrial chic

I had been working in polymer clay, and within an hour or two had created the fun "Relic Rings" out of the Industrial Chic ring bezels!  I love the fat and wide and smooth styling- no pinching of fingers here when sizing.
 Using the 2 part molding putty, I created molds from some vintage cameos I owned, and with the addition of polymer clay, metal paints and a patina or two I was thrilled at the results.

Encouraged by the polymer clay fun, I decided to take my "Vintage Vessels" further with added Industrial Chic flare.  I particularly enjoyed the pinch frames, as I could pry them apart easily and add some of my own vintage photos and flowers and reassemble them under the transparency. 

I adore the metal knobs as the feet and the dangling charms make me smile.  What fun it was to take something I've been doing for awhile and change it up with the addition of these beauties!  I love going further and pushing myself to do more, and with this line, it makes it simple and successful!


I'll be teaching this Vintage Vessels class on Friday August 24th in Lisle, IL (Chicago area) at the Create Mixed Media Retreat!  Still have a few spots open, come join me! 

Our fun continues with a second Blog Hop for Industrial Chic. Here are the artists participating in the August Blog Hop:  See previous post to follow the great ideas in the July Links!

August 10th - Barbe St. John

August 11th - Cheryl Bodkins Waters

August 12th - Cindi Bisson

August 13th - Gretchen McHale

August 14th - Jenny Barnet Rohrs

August 15th - Kari McKnight

August 16th - Lindsay Obermeyer

August 17th - Seth Apter

August 18th- Suze Weinberg

August 19th - Tami Bayer

August 20th - Theresa Cifali

August 21st - Tracie Stivers Lampe

August 22nd - Traci Bautista

August 23rd - Jen Crossley

August 24th - Eileen Hull

August 25th - Pam Carriker

August 26th - Sandy Martin

Bezels and charms and spacers, OH MY!     Knobs and frames and chains, OH MY!        We're off to create in the studio, the wonderful studio of art!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Create NJ

Spacious classroom, inspired students in the Fluid Romance class at Create NJ
HOLY COW!  How does the time fly by so fast?  Must be because I LOVE what I am doing with such a passion!  I am just back from Create NJ, where the good times were plentiful and packed with excitement.

Besides getting to meet and stay with my long-time online friends (YAY!) I also got to spend time with my other instructor friends, and meet LOTS of new art friends! 

Normally, I never remember to or get an opportunity to take photos of my classes.  I was lucky Mike remembered and grabbed a few shots of some of my "Fluid Romance" class.  I always said I had the most talented, loveliest students- just look and see for yourself!

If you've never been to a Mixed Media Art Retreat, I strongly urge you to go.  Even if you are nervous that you will not know anyone else, or that you are new to mixed media and are unsure what everything is all about, I PROMISE you that by the first minute or two you walk in that first class, you will have a wealth of new, generous, sharing, warm and open friends.  A lot of times, they become forever friends!  Some of my closest friendships started at an Art Retreat!  Emails make the world a much smaller place.

The Instructors are open and generous, and willing to share tips and tricks from their own studios, saving you YEARS of trial and error in all manner of media.  Everyone you encounter will share where they buy their special bargain goodies, or what new product they just LOVE, and how they are using it.

If you want to experience a life changing, eye opening, and inspiring event, I urge you to attend one of these events, even if you can only go to one or two classes!  Your brain will bubble over with fabulous ideas for months following!

I invite you to join me at CREATE Chicago, from Aug 22-26, 2012


or at Art & Soul Portland, from October 1-7, 2012
You too could step out of your comfort zone just this once, and be rewarded for a lifetime as result!Hope to see you there!