The 411

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Industrial Chic Blog Hop

Do you all know about Susan Lenart Kazmer and her fabulous new line 'Industrial Chic'?

She's an awesomely clever artist, and has been producing fantastic art from found objects for years now.  I used to see all her wonderful art in books and at shows and drool big puddles, and NOW I can get replicas of those bits and pieces at Michael's!  (Of course I had to run right out and get some of the goodies right away!)

On her website Susan Lenart Kazmer: Industrial Chic, they are hosting a blog hop, and WOW!  The creative ways these bits and pieces are being used!   They sent several of us wonderful boxes filled with the most AWESOME goodies to play with.  I am still percolating on a project that will be worthy of the fab findings in my box!  My official post will be in August, but I wanted to let everyone know to jump on over and check out the blog hop right now!

Before my box arrived, I popped down to Michael's and bought several packages of  Industrial Chic's ring bezels, and found them to be a wonderful base for my Relic Rings!

Tootles for now- working on packing for Create Mixed Media in Somerset NJ, only a few days away!

Don't forget to peek at the fabulous art and ideas on the Industrial Chic July Blog Hop!

6 Ken Oliver

7 Vicki O'Dell

8 Cindy Cima Edwards
9 Elena Lai Etcehverry

10 Jen Osborn
11 Wanda Eash
12 Terri O
13 Susan Weckesser

14 Tracy Weinzafel

Friday, July 6, 2012

Circles on Sketchbook Challenge

Tomorrow morning, I've got a post up on Sketchbook Challenge on how I use these goodies in my journals, on canvases, and more!  Pop on over to see the full monty, or come play with me July 14, 15, 16 in Alexandria VA at Artistic Artifacts, or at Create Mixed Media Retreat in Somerset NJ, July 18-22!  I promise to bring some Joint tape with me!!!
UPDATE:  Don't know the brand name, this is all that was on the package that came from Lowes.  It's self adhesive, and a paper type finish.  Not mesh or plastic.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Teaching at Artistic Artifacts in Alexandria VA

Can't WAIT to come teach at this VERY cool store!  Judy Gula, Artistic Artifacts owner has some of the most AWESOME stuff from all over the world!  She set up a temporary store at Art & Soul in VA Beach this spring, and I know I shopped everyday of the event and found stuff I had to have, and had never seen before!

Come play with us!  Saturday July 14, 2012 from 9am-4pm I'll be teaching Vintage Vessels.

 Sunday July 15, 2012 from 9am-4pm I'll be teaching No Sew Journals on the Go!

Monday July 16, 2012 from 9am-2:30pm I'll be teaching Moodlings.

You can bop over here to register for the classes!