The 411

Friday, July 22, 2011

No wasted minutes here!

Seems as if we have been having to spend tons of time in waiting rooms and on hold on the telephone lately. Rather than watch my life slip by and feel frustrated at the loss of the precious time, I've been carrying a sketch pad around religiously! I'm excited about an upcoming project I am working on that is circus related, so I've been concentrating on that. Here are just a few sketches I've done this month in those otherwise "wasted" moments. Taken on my cell phone, which also has been the source of inspiration as I've "googled" photos of clowns and such to sketch from as I wait my turn in line...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Background journal pages

It's been 100% crazy around these parts- not enough hours in the day, not enough days in the week, not enough weeks in the month to get done all I need to. It seems that after a 18 day visit from the little, the house and studio are wrecked, the paperwork drudgery (like insurance & bills- I hate reading that stuff!) has piled up, my mojo is shot, and I'm having trouble finding my usual stride of getting things accomplished.
I'm busy developing new classes to propose, and getting together supplies for upcoming classes. I'm also trying to get a few outstanding swaps completed and in the mail.

These are some of the background pages I created for a journaling group I am in. I hope you enjoy them- they were a combination of pages I stamped and painted, then imported into photoshop to give them lighter centers to make it easier for my friends to journal on. I love finding new ways to re-use my own work. I hope you are all enjoying your summers too!