The 411

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The newest passion

For the last couple months I've been fascinated with Fluid Acrylics. I've been exploring glazing with them vs glazing with Acrylic Glazes. This month I think Fluid Acrylics are winning. I've been mixing them with Matte Medium, and they dry faster than Glazes.

Here is one of my newest favorite pieces. Even though it's a "spring song" I think the autumn color scheme took over...hmmm never noticed that till just now. I'll have to work on a spring palette next.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Maid of the Mist

Wow-where does the time go? I've been absent for a few weeks, struggling with a few health issues that make it difficult for me to be on the computer much lately. I have however, been slowly creating some art, as time and my strength allow.

This is a piece I finished up recently for a Silent Auction and Gallery show that will benefit Breast Cancer Awareness and Research. The event is called True to Form, and is being hosted by The Columbus Center for Paper and Book Arts. Select artists were all given the blank paper mache' torso, and asked to create with it. I only got a peek at a few others the day I dropped mine off, but Wowza! This is going to be a great show!

I enjoyed using seashells I've picked up all over the world on the body, and a very special piece of driftwood from my grandmother's house for the base. Fluid Acrylics, colored pencils, and markers were used, as well as tulle, sand, beads and upholstery trim. Oh and as always- I couldn't resist the glitter!
If you are interested in seeing the show, the Opening Reception and Silent Auction is at European Papers on Oct 3 from 3-5 pm. ((539 E. Town Street- Carriage House- Columbus, Ohio 43215)) Visit for all the details. I understand that the show is going to be on display until January.