The 411

Friday, August 29, 2008

Faith Journal

Wow- this faith journal project is really moving along for me. If I had more time free to work on it, it would be done already, as the ideas are flowing faster than I can get time to produce them! (That's ALWAYS a welcome problem to any artist, as opposed to the other way around!) I've found I am enjoying each page more and more. I've noticed too, that it seems to be helping me look at some internal questions I have bouncing around. I was certain that by the time I got to the letter "Q" that I would have a tough time finding a word to use... It seems clear sailing until I get to the letters X and Z. Any suggestions?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Ties that Bind

I've been invited to participate in the wonderful project called "Ties that Bind" Artists united to benefit ovarian cancer research. Artists Jan Brown, Aileen Roberts, and Kris Henderson are organizing, so it is SURE to be a fabulous finished project! I will be needing to make a charm for the project, and here is a sneak peek of the digital art I created as the base for my charm.

I'm planning a teal encasement with teal embellishments to complete this charm. Teal is the color ribbon for the ovarian cancer research movement.

If you would like to see more really awesome charms by some of the most amazing artists working today, pop over to

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Faith Journal on the road

I have, with many good wishes, sent my art journals off to Stampington and Company in hopes they will be well received there. I almost felt a little nervous letting my "babies" off into the world like that, out to stand on their own. But I am having faith that they will speak to others too, I sent my Hope journal, and my Gratitude journal, as well as an electronic version of my ABC Faith journal.

The next two pages for my Faith Journal. Some of you will recognize the archway on top from the rubber stamp I carved in order to make the Artiscape 08 Fatbook covers. For some reason I just love this image. It was a photo originally, and I've altered it so many ways from Sunday, and in each version I find something appealing about it. Don't know what it is exactly. Just like it.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Faith Journal

I've been very busy lately with work, travel, and family obligations. The Lord has chosen to richly pour out blessings on Mike and I in the last couple weeks, and some exciting things are in the works for my art personally and professionally. I hope to be able to post about them here in the near future. I've been working every free moment on Fatbook swaps and some of my journal pages.

Here are the most recent installments to my digital Faith Journal. The top photo of me was originally taken by a very talented photographer friend Ronnie Bianco. (And if you only KNEW how UN-photogenic I am you would know the wonderful magic he worked to get this shot!) His blog link is or in my list of blogs it's listed as "Ronnie's photography."
The world photo and M100 Galaxy shot I collaged together were both released into public domain by NASA. If you've never been to any of their sites, you are missing a fantastic array of information and photos. I visit every once in awhile to check on what some of the telescopes are up to. Fascinating.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Niagara Falls

Last week, Mike and I started out to my location shoot in Rochester NY. On the way back we were lucky enough to be able to spend the night at Niagara Falls. Here are just a few quick shots of the beautiful weather we experienced along the way.

Horseshoe falls from the Canadian side. Great shot by Mike!

Down river on the Canadian side at the white water rapids, looking up at the Rainbow Bridge.

This was on the American side, at the lookout tower. I did NOT enjoy looking down at all, but looking out and over was beautiful!

I grabbed this shot hanging over the rails at the American side of the American Falls.

How lucky are we to have such wonderful beauty we can get up close to experience?