The 411

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Clay Bubble Charms

My clay bubble charms were such a hit in recent swaps and giveaways, so, for part of my friend Dawn's Spring Fling Tutorial Challenge, I decided to make a quick tutorial for all to enjoy. You will need the following supplies: Polymer clay of choice, a tile surface to work on, a textured surface (I use a vinyl wallpaper scrap), a clay blade and a stylus, scissors, small graphics or stickers, glass bubbles, eyepins, jump rings, and beads.

For more info on The Spring Fling Tutorial Challenge, or to play along with us, visit Dawn's site Artist Reborne at

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Valentine Charm Swap Loot

Just popping in for a moment, thought maybe you would like to see the results of the Valentines Charm Swap I hostessed recently on two yahoo groups. Wonderful artists from around the world participated, and it was so much fun! (Oh- and my contribution were the clay and glass bubble charms like I gave away for the OWOH giveaway, pictured below.)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

And the Winners ARE...

Drumroll please.....

Carol ~ Spirit's journey designs

Cat ~

and Kathy Mcelroy

Congrat's to all! I have found so many new and incredible artists and what I am sure are to be friends thanks to this One World, One Heart giveaway! Thank you Lisa Oceandreamer, for organizing this amazing opportunity!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

ONE World-ONE Heart Giveaway

Ohh! I LOVE giveaways! Fellow Divas Connie, Belinda and Joanne have inspired me to participate too. This second ONE World-ONE Heart 2nd annual give away event created by Lisa Oceandreamer from Heart of the Nest and Imagination Cafe. The idea behind this is to bring bloggers together from around the world who may never ordinarily meet. It closes the gap of the blog community and enables us to interact, discover new and wonderful people, and in the process possibly win a prize or many prizes along the way.

I will be giving away 3 packages of a couple of my hand made polymer and glass art charms. Perfect for wearing, or using in your mixed media projects.

Go to this link to read all about the ONE World-ONE Heart giveaway and either sign up to have your own drawing and/or get links other blogs you can check out:

All you have to do is comment to THIS post and on Feb. 14th I will have a drawing for 3 lucky winners. Please do not comment anonymously, because it is impossible to track you down to get your address if you are the winner. Winners- you'll have 3 days to send me your info or I'll have to pick a new winner! Good luck!

Spring Fling Tutorial Challenge

Dawn over at Artist Rebourne is an Artist I really admire. I'm going to join in and participate in her Spring Fling Tutorial Challenge. To see all the details, hop over to her blog. Check back here on March 1st to catch my contribution.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Fun in the Sun

I'm back from a much needed vacation in the sun. Puerto Vallarta is our home away from home, and it never fails to delight us each and every visit. Seeing as it's so gloomy here in Ohio, I thought I'd share some e-sun with everyone. Since I was on vacation, Mike manned the new camera he got for Christmas, although he did let me use it for a couple of these shots. I'm prouder than ever of the real eye he is developing for photography.

We drove from the state of Jalisco about 45 minutes into the state of Naryit and found this pristine, uninhabited beach. We spent a couple of days here.

This is a view from the doorway to our condo.

This is the courtyard area of the condos. Lovely plants and walkways over streams stocked with tons of koi.This is my favorite tree that grows down there. I haven't been able to determine what the name of it is. (Anyone out there know what it is called?) The blossoms look a bit like orchids, and they hang down in these fabulous full vines.

It wasn't always peaceful around the pool...(notice that MY pool chair is EMPTY!) Mike took tons of photos of the iguanas- this guy was chasing another male out of his territory. For almost 2 full days these guys dropped out of trees, jumped in and out of the pool while fighting each other. They landed on and broke a couple of umbrellas in their haste to do each other in. I only read my book with one eye on those 2 days!